SLOA289B May 2020 – September 2021 66AK2H06 , 66AK2H12 , 66AK2H14 , ADS8588H , AMC3301 , ISO224 , ISO7740 , ISO7741 , ISO7742 , LMZ30604 , SN65LVDS047 , SN65LVDS048A , UCC12040 , UCC12050
Transmission lines can be overhead lines and underground (or undersea) cables. Overhead lines are more common and generally less expensive.
Conductors are suspended overhead from towers and poles and are generally not insulated. Some of the challenges with overhead cables include line tension, sag, heating due to over loading and change in loading capacity due to varying environment. Cables are always insulated and are generally used in underground applications. Underground cables are used in applications where overhead lines are hard to locate, such as water crossings, and are increasingly considered advantageous for their resilience to wind and ice storms.