SLUAAR5 august 2023 ISO5451 , ISO5452 , ISO5851 , ISO5852S , ISO7741 , ISO7810 , ISO7820 , ISO7821 , ISO7830 , ISO7831 , ISO7840 , ISO7841 , ISO7842 , UCC23513 , UCC5310 , UCC5320 , UCC5350 , UCC5390
Pollution: Any addition of foreign matter, solid, liquid, or gaseous that can result in a reduction of electric strength or surface resistivity of the insulation.
Micro-environment: Immediate environment of the insulation which particularly influences the dimensioning of the creepage distances.
Pollution degree: Numeral characterizing the expected pollution of the micro-environment. This classification is important since it affects creepage and clearance distances required to ensure the safety of a product. Table 1-1 distinguishes the four pollution degrees with examples.
Pollution Degree |
Micro-Environment | Example |
1 |
No pollution or only dry, non-conductive pollution occurs. The pollution has no influence. | In an air-conditioned lab or by extension for the insulation distance under a protection coating or in internal layer |
2 |
Normally, only non-conductive pollution occurs. Occasionally, however, a temporary conductivity caused by condensation is to be expected, when the EE is out of operation. | In an enclosure or an electrical cabinet or household appliances |
3 |
Conductive pollution or dry non-conductive pollution occurs which becomes conductive due to condensation which is to be expected | Electrical equipment of machine tools |
4 |
The pollution generates persistent conductivity caused, for example, by conductive dust or rain or snow | Electrical equipment for outdoor use |