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  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
  3. 2New Features for Multiple Phase Control
    1. 2.1 Shadow to Active Load on SYNC
    2. 2.2 Simultaneous Writes to Registers Between Modules
    3. 2.3 Global Load and One Shot Load Mode
      1. 2.3.1 Application Example
      2. 2.3.2 Boundary Case
        1. Workaround Option 1
        2. Workaround Option 2
  4. 3References

Application Example

One configuration example, from TIDA-00961, is the showcase of using global load and one shot mode, located within the following directories after installing C2000Ware Digital Power SDK:


The TIDA-00961:High-Efficiency, 1.6-kW High-Density GaN-Based 1-MHz CrM Totem-Pole PFC Converter Reference Design is a 2 phase interleaved totem pole PFC reference design, with critical-conduction-mode (CrM) in variable frequency operation up to 1 MHz, while the control ISR is running with 50 kHz. The following steps show the key configurations on how to use global load and one shot load mode, together with the example codes in TIDA-00961.

  1. Select the related registers to enable the global load mode for both sync source and sync receiver ePWM modules, in the global load configuration register (GLDCFG[REGx]).
  2. Define the global load event, in global shadow to active load control register (GLDCTL[GLDMODE]).
  3. Enable the one shot load mode, by writing 1 to GLDCTL[OSHTMODE]).
  4. Enable the global shadow to active load mode of registers, by writing 1 to GLDCTL[GLD]).
  5. Use the linking scheme EPWMXLINK to link the GLDCTL2 register of the sync receiver ePWM modules to the sync source ePWM module’s, in the register EPWMXLINK[GLDCTL2LINK].
  6. During the ISR, after the related registers are updated manually, turn the one shot latch condition ON by writing 1 to GLDCTL2[OSHTLD] for the sync source ePWM module. In this way, the sync receiver ePWM modules will be also enabled with one shot mode under the linking scheme.

The below code shows the partial configurations of the sync source ePWM1 and the sync receiver ePWM2 in TIDA-00961.

  • During initialization
    // Sync source ePWM1 settings
    EPWM_enableGlobalLoadRegisters(base1, EPWM_GL_REGISTER_CMPA_CMPAHR|
    EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger(base1, EPWM_GL_LOAD_PULSE_CNTR_PERIOD);
    // Sync receiver  ePWM2 settings
    EPWM_enableGlobalLoadRegisters(base2, EPWM_GL_REGISTER_CMPA_CMPAHR|
    EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger(base2, EPWM_GL_LOAD_PULSE_SYNC);
  • During control ISR