The TAx5x1x (TAC5212, TAC5211, TAC5112, TAC5111, TAA5212, TAC5242, TAA5242, TAC5142) family of devices have single or dual-channel analog-to-digital converters which supports highly configurable inputs for audio applications. This application note looks at the different input configurations such as input swing, common mode setting, AC/DC Coupling in normal and low power mode as well as the mixing and muxing option that are supported in this TAx5x1x device family. TAC5212, a stereo software control device is used in this application note as an example. For hardware pin control, the pin configurations for the input are provided in the respective data sheet. The audio input in this note is provided from LINE input. Microphone inputs or a mono version of this device can be configured in the similar manner.
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