DLPA083B june   2019  – april 2023 DLP2000 , DLP2010 , DLP230KP , DLP230NP , DLP3010 , DLP3310 , DLP4620S-Q1 , DLP4710 , DLP471TP , DLP500YX , DLP5500 , DLP5530S-Q1 , DLP5531-Q1 , DLP5533A-Q1 , DLP6500FLQ , DLP6500FYE , DLP650LNIR , DLP670S , DLP7000 , DLP7000UV , DLP9000 , DLP9000X , DLP9000XUV , DLP9500 , DLP9500UV


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Purpose and Scope
    1. 1.1 Limitations
    2. 1.2 Acronyms Used in This Document
  4. 2On-State Fill Factor
  5. 3Window Properties
  6. 4Mirror Diffraction Efficiency
    1. 4.1 Mirror Flatness
    2. 4.2 Mirror Diffraction Efficiency
    3. 4.3 Diffraction Efficiency with Mismatched Illumination and Projection f-numbers
  7. 5Mirror Reflectivity
  8. 6Estimating Overall DMD Efficiency
  9. 7References
  10. 8Revision History

Mirror Flatness

The semiconductor processing required to build the mirror structure can result in the mirrors deviating from a perfectly flat plane. However, the processing is designed and controlled to minimize the non-flatness or non-planarity of the mirror. Diffraction modeling described below can be used to predict losses due to non-flat mirrors. However, the calculation below assume a flat mirror.