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The test setup of the clock signal compensation by using an additional clock signal with a software configurable phase delay measurement with an AMC1306EVM and C2000 TMS320F28379D Launchpad is shown in Figure 4-1. For this measurement, single-ended probes are used to measure the clock signal at AMC1306EVM clock input CLKIN and the data output, DOUT, of the Delta-Sigma modulator measured at the MCUs data input, SD1_D1 (GPIO122), of the SDFM. The clock signal with software programmable phase delay is measured at the clock input of the MCUs Sigma-Delta Filter Module (SDFM) SD1_C1 (GPIO123). The input pins AINP and AINN of the AMC1306EVM are shorted together tied to ground such that a 50/50 1’s and 0’s density is output. The analog supply, AVDD, is generated using the isolated transformer circuit on the EVM. The isolated modulators digital power supply, DVDD (3.3V), is supplied from the C2000 TMS320F28379D Launchpad.
Figure 4-2 shows the same measurement setup with Sitara AM243x Launchpad with the corresponding measurement points.