SLUA475 November 2016 BQ2060A , BQ20Z80 , BQ40Z50-R1 , BQ40Z50-R2 , BQ40Z60 , BQ78350-R1 , BQ78350-R1A
The System Management Bus (SMBus) is the most common form of communication for Texas Instruments advanced fuel gauges. Many customers want to design SMBus engines to communicate with TI advanced fuel gauges. Though this is possible, these designs sometime lead to confusion and frustration. Investigating SMBus errors or transaction failures can seem to be a difficult or daunting task. The purpose of this application report is to reduce the complexity and make learning SMBus easier. This report assumes some knowledge of I²C.
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Figure 1 shows some simple examples of generic SMBus transactions. These transactions are read/write words with and without packet error checking (PEC). Although a user's scope traces may not look exactly like these examples, it is easier to look at these theoretical examples and understand their content rather than considering actual scope traces. Examples of actual scope trace are given later in this document. Note that more detailed information can be gathered from these pictures than is discussed in this document. Simplified information is given in order to present only the basics of SMBus information. For most troubleshooting issues, the basics are all that users need to solve SMBus problems.
First, entire packets for read and write are examined. Only word communications are considered because they are common and relevant for most troubleshooting.
The following components make up the packet along with some of the relevant issues to consider.
To consider SMBus communication in more detail, Figure 2 shows an SMBus read word and zooms into one byte of a data packet and the NACK/Stop bit. This diagram gives examples of most of the important bits of a total packet.
Each byte is 8 bits long. Several things of interest can be derived by looking closely at this diagram: