SLVA720A July 2015 – October 2020 CD14538B , CD14538B-MIL , CD4047B , CD4047B-MIL , CD4098B , CD4098B-MIL , CD54HC123 , CD54HC221 , CD54HC4538 , CD54HCT123 , CD54HCT4538 , CD74HC123 , CD74HC221 , CD74HC423 , CD74HC4538 , CD74HC4538-Q1 , CD74HCT123 , CD74HCT221 , CD74HCT423 , CD74HCT4538 , SN54121 , SN54123 , SN54221 , SN54AHC123A , SN54AHCT123A , SN54LS123 , SN54LS123-SP , SN54LS221 , SN74121 , SN74221 , SN74AHC123A , SN74AHC123A-EP , SN74AHCT123A , SN74LS122 , SN74LS123 , SN74LS221 , SN74LS423 , SN74LV123A , SN74LV123A-EP , SN74LV123A-Q1 , SN74LV221A , SN74LV221A-Q1 , SN74LVC1G123
It is best to follow the datasheet recommendations. If your monostable multivibrator recommends not connecting Cext to ground, then do not connect it to ground.
In some monostable multivibrators the Cext pin is internally tied to ground, but in some it is not. If the datasheet is unclear and the information is required, use an ohmmeter to check the resistance between the two pins. If the resistance reads less than 1 Ω, it is safe to connect both to ground.