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  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 MCAN Features
  3. 2Useful tips to run the C2000ware examples
  4. 3Program Descriptions
  5. 4Debug and Design Tips to Resolve/Avoid CAN Communication Issues
    1. 4.1 Minimum Number of Nodes Required
    2. 4.2 Why a Transceiver is Needed
    3. 4.3 Debug Checklist
      1. 4.3.1 Programming Issues
      2. 4.3.2 Physical Layer Issues
      3. 4.3.3 Hardware Debug Tips
  6. 5How to Duplicate (clone) an Existing Project
  7. 6How to Get Visibility Into Driverlib Files
  8. 7References

Debug Checklist

This section highlights some common mistakes and provides useful debug tips.