Follow these steps to enable Driverlib
Migration on a detected project:
- Run project detection (see
instructions in Section 2.3).
- Set up the C2000 device to
migrate from/to as well as customize which folders/files are to be ignored for
the migration check by either:
- Click the following icon
next to Migration Devices under the detected project in the
C2000 IDEA - Projects pane of the Extension
- To set up the migration settings for the project,
- Press
CTRL+SHIFT+P, type and select C2000: Set Up Migration
- Click on
Migration Support > Set Up Migration
Settings in the C2000 IDEA - Features pane
of the Extension tree.
- To run the migration check,
- Click the following icon
next to Migration Devices under the detected project in the
C2000 IDEA - Projects pane of the Extension
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+P, type
and select C2000: Run Migration Check on Project.
- Click on Migration
Support > Run Migration Check on Project in the
C2000 IDEA - Features pane of the Extension
Note: An error
is thrown by the extension if there is any overlap of folders or
files in the migration folder and files to be ignored information in
the migration setup page.
Note: Do not use these
migration features while the tool is already running a migration
check on the project. Wait for the Migration check completed on
[project name] at the bottom right of the screen before
enabling other migration features. The amount of time taken to run
the check entirely depends on how many files, lines and code changes
exist in a project. The migration report includes the time taken on
each file.
- Select the project in the
workspace to run a migration check on.
- The status bar at the bottom
right of the screen displays Migration check completed on [project name]
when finished. All major migration concerns in the file are underlined with a
red squiggly line. All other migration warnings in the file are underlined with
a yellow squiggly line.
- Review and resolve concerns
throughout the file. The following options are provided when the underlined code
is hovered over:
- Select View
Problem to quickly loop through the detected concerns in the
file .
- Select Quick Fix
to mitigate the migration concern. Select one of the below options:
- Review
migration collateral for [current device] to [migration
device]- This option opens a link to the online
migration collateral for the specific migration path using the
latest version of C2000WARE.
- Wrap in device
specific #IFDEF for [current device] and [migration
device] - This option autogenerates pre-processor
wrappers around the line of code so that an updated version of
the code can be compiled for the new device. Fill in the line
with the //Enter alternate code comment with the modified
code and add a #define for the current device somewhere in the
- Ignore code
related errors - This option ignores this migration
- The migration report contains a
list of the detected migration concerns, the time taken to complete the
migration, and any settings the user customized to ignore. To export the
migration report to the desired file path, either:
- Click the following icon
next to Migration Devices under the detected project in the
C2000 IDEA - Projects pane of the Extension tree.
- Enter CTRL+SHIFT+P, type
and select C2000: Export Migration Report.
- Click on Migration
Support > Export Migration Report in the C2000
IDEA - Features pane of the Extension tree.