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Digital Light Innovations
Full service DLP design and manufacturing company
Digital Light Innovations (DLi) is regarded as the world leader in DLP® light exploration. We are a full service design and manufacturing company with extensive experience in creating unique DLP®-based solutions for a broad range of applications. We are not only experts in DLP® interface and electronic controller board design, but specialize in custom optics as well as prototype design and development.
Notably, DLi was the first to receive the DLP® Authorized Design House designation from Texas Instruments (TI). DLi has partnered with TI to design the electronic controller boards, firmware and software for the Explorer API and Control Software utilized by the best-selling DLP® Discovery™ 4100 platform. DLi also partners with TI to manufacture the DLP® LightCrafter™ 6500 & 9000 EVMs and Development Kits.
- Partner kontaktieren
- Designtool
- Evaluierungsplatine
- Nordamerika
- 12317 Technology Blvd
- Ste 100
- Austin, Texas, 78727
- United States
DLI-3P-DLI41XX — DLI D4100, D4120, D4130 Entwicklungskits für DLP Discovery-Chipsätze
DLI-3P-DLI6500 — DLi6500 1080p Entwicklungskit für DLP6500
DLI-3P-DLI9000 — DLI 3DLP9000 Lichtmodul für DLP9000
DLI-3P-ACCESSORIES — DLI-Zubehör und -Assemblys für DLP® -Produkte
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