InnoSpectra Corporation

DLP near-infrared spectrometer provider

InnoSpectra Technology was established in 2017, a subsidiary of Coretronic Group. Committed to the development and sales of miniature near-infrared spectrometer products. In view of the global response to the endless food safety and drug safety incidents, and the development trend of “Smart Agriculture”, “Smart Industry” and “Smart Biomed”, InnoSpectra Technology with its superior R&D capabilities, takes optics, electronics and software technologies as the cornerstone, continuously carries out innovative development, through non-destructive miniaturized near-infrared spectrum scanning technology, cooperating with partners worldwide to build an advanced "quality inspection fast screening platform" in various applications, leading to a safer and better life.

Pico-Produkte mit Array ≤ 0,47 Zoll
DLPA2005 DLP® PMIC/LED-Treiber für DLP2010 und DLP2010NIR (0,2 WVGA) DMDs


Produkte für Spektroskopie & optische Netzwerke
DLP2010NIR Digitaler DLP®-Mikrospiegelbaustein (DMD), 0,2 Zoll, WVGA NIR DLPC150 DLP® Controller für DLP2010NIR Digitalen Mikrospiegelbaustein (DMD
Angebotene Ressourcen
  • Optisches Modul
Unterstützte Regionen
  • Nordamerika
  • No.11, Li Hsing Rd
  • Science Park
  • Hsinchu


Optisches Modul

INNOS-3P-DLP2010NIRMOD — Inno Spectra DLP2010NIR-Spektrometermodule

InnoSpectra is fully engaged in DLP technology and has continued to carry out innovative developments based on their outstanding management and R&D capabilities, using optical, electronic and software technologies. InnoSpectra provides miniaturized, cost-effective, non-destructive testing (...)

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