The LM211 is a single high-speed voltage comparator. This device is designed to operate from a wide range of power-supply voltages, including ±15-V supplies for operational amplifiers and 5-V supplies for logic systems. The output levels are compatible with most TTL and MOS circuits. This comparator is capable of driving lamps
or relays and switching voltages up to 50 V at 50 mA. All inputs and outputs can be isolated from system ground. The outputs can drive loads referenced to ground, VCC+, or VCC-. Offset balancing and strobe capabilities are
available, and the outputs can be wire-OR connected. If the strobe is low, the output is in the off state, regardless of the differential input.
The LM211 is a single high-speed voltage comparator. This device is designed to operate from a wide range of power-supply voltages, including ±15-V supplies for operational amplifiers and 5-V supplies for logic systems. The output levels are compatible with most TTL and MOS circuits. This comparator is capable of driving lamps
or relays and switching voltages up to 50 V at 50 mA. All inputs and outputs can be isolated from system ground. The outputs can drive loads referenced to ground, VCC+, or VCC-. Offset balancing and strobe capabilities are
available, and the outputs can be wire-OR connected. If the strobe is low, the output is in the off state, regardless of the differential input.