

19-Bit Bus Interface With 3-State Outputs

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Product details

Technology family LVC Applications IEEE1284 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70
Technology family LVC Applications IEEE1284 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70
SSOP (DL) 48 164.358 mm² 15.88 x 10.35 TSSOP (DGG) 48 101.25 mm² 12.5 x 8.1
  • 1.4-k Pullup Resistors Integrated on All Open-Drain Outputs Eliminate the Need for Discrete Resistors
  • ESD Protection Exceeds 2000 V Per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015; Exceeds 200 V Using Machine Model (C = 200 pF, R = 0)
  • Designed for the IEEE Std 1284-I (Level 1 Type) and IEEE Std 1284-II (Level 2 Type) Electrical Specifications
  • Flow-Through Architecture Optimizes PCB Layout
  • Package Options Include Plastic 300-mil Shrink Small-Outline (DL) and Thin-Shrink Small-Outline (DGG) Packages

  • 1.4-k Pullup Resistors Integrated on All Open-Drain Outputs Eliminate the Need for Discrete Resistors
  • ESD Protection Exceeds 2000 V Per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015; Exceeds 200 V Using Machine Model (C = 200 pF, R = 0)
  • Designed for the IEEE Std 1284-I (Level 1 Type) and IEEE Std 1284-II (Level 2 Type) Electrical Specifications
  • Flow-Through Architecture Optimizes PCB Layout
  • Package Options Include Plastic 300-mil Shrink Small-Outline (DL) and Thin-Shrink Small-Outline (DGG) Packages

The SN74LVC161284 is designed for 3-V to 3.6-V VCC operation. This device provides asynchronous two-way communication between data buses. The control-function implementation minimizes external timing requirements.

This device has eight bidirectional bits; data can flow in the A-to-B direction when DIR is high, and in the B-to-A direction when DIR is low. This device also has five drivers, which drive the cable side, and four receivers. The SN74LVC161284 has one receiver dedicated to the HOST LOGIC line and a driver to drive the PERI LOGIC line.

The output drive mode is determined by the high-drive (HD) control pin. When HD is high, the outputs are in a totem-pole configuration, and in an open-drain configuration when HD is low. This meets the drive requirements as specified in the IEEE Std 1284-I (level 1 type) and IEEE Std 1284-II (level 2 type) parallel peripheral-interface specifications. Except for HOST LOGIC IN and PERI LOGIC OUT, all cable-side pins have a 1.4-k integrated pullup resistor. The pullup resistor is switched off if the associated output driver is in the low state or if the output voltage is above VCC CABLE. If VCC CABLE is off, PERI LOGIC OUT is set to low.

The device has two supply voltages. VCC is designed for 3-V to 3.6-V operation. VCC CABLE supplies the inputs and output buffers of the cable side only and is designed for 3-V to 3.6-V and for 4.7-V to 5.5-V operation. Even when VCC CABLE is 3 V to 3.6 V, the cable-side I/O pins are 5-V tolerant.

The SN74LVC161284 is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.

The SN74LVC161284 is designed for 3-V to 3.6-V VCC operation. This device provides asynchronous two-way communication between data buses. The control-function implementation minimizes external timing requirements.

This device has eight bidirectional bits; data can flow in the A-to-B direction when DIR is high, and in the B-to-A direction when DIR is low. This device also has five drivers, which drive the cable side, and four receivers. The SN74LVC161284 has one receiver dedicated to the HOST LOGIC line and a driver to drive the PERI LOGIC line.

The output drive mode is determined by the high-drive (HD) control pin. When HD is high, the outputs are in a totem-pole configuration, and in an open-drain configuration when HD is low. This meets the drive requirements as specified in the IEEE Std 1284-I (level 1 type) and IEEE Std 1284-II (level 2 type) parallel peripheral-interface specifications. Except for HOST LOGIC IN and PERI LOGIC OUT, all cable-side pins have a 1.4-k integrated pullup resistor. The pullup resistor is switched off if the associated output driver is in the low state or if the output voltage is above VCC CABLE. If VCC CABLE is off, PERI LOGIC OUT is set to low.

The device has two supply voltages. VCC is designed for 3-V to 3.6-V operation. VCC CABLE supplies the inputs and output buffers of the cable side only and is designed for 3-V to 3.6-V and for 4.7-V to 5.5-V operation. Even when VCC CABLE is 3 V to 3.6 V, the cable-side I/O pins are 5-V tolerant.

The SN74LVC161284 is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.


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* Data sheet SN74LVC161284 datasheet (Rev. J) 15 Feb 2005

Ordering & quality

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  • Lead finish/Ball material
  • MSL rating/Peak reflow
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  • Qualification summary
  • Ongoing reliability monitoring
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