ホーム データ・コンバータ 統合型やスペシャル・ファンクションの各データ・コンバータ 医療用 AFE コンピューター断層撮影 (CT) 向け AFE

32 チャネル、電流入力、20 ビット ADC


Number of input channels 32 Resolution (Bits) 20 Features Computed Tomography (CT) Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Interface type Serial Rating Catalog
Number of input channels 32 Resolution (Bits) 20 Features Computed Tomography (CT) Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Interface type Serial Rating Catalog
NFBGA (ZXG) 64 64 mm² 8 x 8
  • Single-Chip Solution to Directly Measure 32 Low-Level Currents
  • High-Precision, True Integrating Function
  • Integral Linearity:
    ±0.025% of Reading ±1.0ppm of FSR
  • Very Low Noise: 5.3ppm of FSR
  • Low Power: 7mW/channel
  • Adjustable Full-Scale Range
  • Adjustable Speed
    • Data Rate up to 6kSPS
    • Integration Times as low as 166.5µs
  • Daisy-Chainable Serial Interface
  • In-Package Bypass Capacitors Simplify PCB Design
    • CT Scanner DAS
    • Photodiode Sensors
    • X-Ray Detection Systems

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Single-Chip Solution to Directly Measure 32 Low-Level Currents
  • High-Precision, True Integrating Function
  • Integral Linearity:
    ±0.025% of Reading ±1.0ppm of FSR
  • Very Low Noise: 5.3ppm of FSR
  • Low Power: 7mW/channel
  • Adjustable Full-Scale Range
  • Adjustable Speed
    • Data Rate up to 6kSPS
    • Integration Times as low as 166.5µs
  • Daisy-Chainable Serial Interface
  • In-Package Bypass Capacitors Simplify PCB Design
    • CT Scanner DAS
    • Photodiode Sensors
    • X-Ray Detection Systems

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The DDC232 is a 20-bit, 32-channel, current-input analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. It combines both current-to-voltage and A/D conversion so that 32 separate low-level current output devices, such as photodiodes, can be directly connected to its inputs and digitized.

For each of the 32 inputs, the DDC232 provides a dual-switched integrator front-end. This configuration allows for continuous current integration: while one integrator is being digitized by the onboard A/D converter, the other is integrating the input current. Adjustable integration times range from 166µs to 1s, allowing currents from fAs to µAs to be continuously measured with outstanding precision.

The DDC232 has a serial interface designed for daisy-chaining in multi-device systems. Simply connect the output of one device to the input of the next to create the chain. Common clocking feeds all the devices in the chain so that the digital overhead in a multi-DDC232 system is minimal.

The DDC232 uses a +5V analog supply and a +2.7V to +3.6V digital supply. Operating over the temperature range of 0°C to +70°C, the DDC232 BGA-64 package is offered in two versions: the DDC232C for low-power applications, and the DDC232CK when higher speeds are required.

The DDC232 is a 20-bit, 32-channel, current-input analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. It combines both current-to-voltage and A/D conversion so that 32 separate low-level current output devices, such as photodiodes, can be directly connected to its inputs and digitized.

For each of the 32 inputs, the DDC232 provides a dual-switched integrator front-end. This configuration allows for continuous current integration: while one integrator is being digitized by the onboard A/D converter, the other is integrating the input current. Adjustable integration times range from 166µs to 1s, allowing currents from fAs to µAs to be continuously measured with outstanding precision.

The DDC232 has a serial interface designed for daisy-chaining in multi-device systems. Simply connect the output of one device to the input of the next to create the chain. Common clocking feeds all the devices in the chain so that the digital overhead in a multi-DDC232 system is minimal.

The DDC232 uses a +5V analog supply and a +2.7V to +3.6V digital supply. Operating over the temperature range of 0°C to +70°C, the DDC232 BGA-64 package is offered in two versions: the DDC232C for low-power applications, and the DDC232CK when higher speeds are required.

ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ


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* データシート 32-Channel, Current-Input Analog-to-Digital Converter データシート (Rev. D) 2010年 4月 30日
Analog Design Journal Selecting a multichannel ultra-low-current measurement IC PDF | HTML 2022年 3月 18日




DDC232 IBIS Model

SBAM168.ZIP (24 KB) - IBIS Model

PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI Design / シミュレーション ツール向け PSpice®

PSpice® for TI は、各種アナログ回路の機能評価に役立つ、設計とシミュレーション向けの環境です。設計とシミュレーションに適したこのフル機能スイートは、Cadence® のアナログ分析エンジンを使用しています。PSpice for TI は無償で使用でき、アナログや電源に関する TI の製品ラインアップを対象とする、業界でも有数の大規模なモデル ライブラリが付属しているほか、選択された一部のアナログ動作モデルも利用できます。

設計とシミュレーション向けの環境である PSpice for TI を使用すると、内蔵のライブラリを使用して、複雑なミックスド (...)
パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
NFBGA (ZXG) 64 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点

推奨製品には、この TI 製品に関連するパラメータ、評価基板、またはリファレンス デザインが存在する可能性があります。


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