Fixed frequency voltage mode control is used for CPU, Memory and ASIC applications where a predictable frequency and/or synchrnization to an external clock is needed. Four high-current synchronous power stages provide the high currents and low losses needed for these applications. Multi-phase also allows output ripple cancellation and effective higher bandwidth control for a given switching frequency. PMP9131 focuses on ease of electrical testing and ability to make changes "on the fly" thru the PMBus interface. On-board bias supplies and a high speed dynamic load round out the rich test interface.
- Multiple fully synchronous power stages for high currents & lowest losses
- Fixed frequency voltage mode control allows for user selection of switching frequency and synchronization to an external clock
- Output voltage, current limit and fault thresholds/responses can be adjusted "on the fly" thru the PMBus interface
- Focus of evaluation board is on ease of electrical testing with almost all parts on top side
- Rich test interface including PMBus socket, 5V & 3.3V biases and high speed dynamic test load
- Schematic, BOM, layout, and Test Report focusing on thermal performance & load dynamics