DACX3X0X-PWR-CALC — DACx3x0x family power-consumption calculator tool
高精度 DAC(≤10 MSPS)
DACX3X0X-PWR-CALC — DACx3x0x family power-consumption calculator tool
DACx3x0x family power-consumption calculator tool
高精度 DAC(≤10 MSPS)
First release of the DACx3x0x-PWM-CALC. The Calculator sheet takes certain input parameters from the user like the DAC output mode, number of active/powered-on channels, current output range, reference setting, the supply given to the DAC (VDD), and the load resistance for each channel. The Average Power sheet takes certain input parameters from the user like the DAC output mode, VDD(V), duty cycle(%), total typical static current and total max static current. Users can have any number of DAC configurations as long as the duty cycle adds up to 100%. The total typical static current and total max static current for each DAC configuration can be calculated on the Calculator sheet by setting DAC output mode, number of active/powered-on channels, current output range, reference setting, the supply given to the DAC (VDD), and the load resistance for each channel for each DAC configuration.