UCD3138A LLC 評価モジュール
The UCD3138ALLCEVM150 is an evaluation module (EVM) board, functioning as an LLC resonant half-bridge dc-dc converter and digitally controlled by control card UCD3138ACCEVM149. This EVM is used to evaluate digital power control using UCD3138A in LLC resonant half-bridge dc-dc conversion applications. The EVM accepts the dc line input from 350Vdc to 400Vdc, nominal output voltage 12Vdc, and output full load power 340W with peak efficiency over 94% benefited from secondary side synchronous rectifier operation. The EVM is featured with various protections such as input line under voltage, output over-voltage and over-current limit, soft start, and light load power losses reduction. The EVM can be used as a platform to upload user’s firmware and adapt particular needs. The EVM is shipped with the control card UCD3138ACCEVM149 pre-programmed with the LLC resonant half-bridge dc-dc converter firmware developed by Texas Instruments.
- Digitally controlled LLC resonant half-bridge DC-DC power conversion DC line input from 350 to 400Vdc
- Regulated output 12Vdc with output from no-load to full-load
- Full-load power 340W, or full-load current 29A
- Synchronous rectification
- Constant Current/Constant Power control mode
- Burst Mode Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting with Duty Cycle Matching Protection: over voltage, over current, and brownout
- PMBUS Communication Test points to facilitate device and topology evaluation