This reference design is a high-side, N-channel MOSFET control (up to 32s) battery pack, using the stacked BQ769x2 battery monitor family. This design monitors each cell voltage, pack current, cell and MOSFET temperature and protects the battery pack for secure safe use. The high-side N-channel MOSFET architecture and optimized driving circuits provide easy switch control. This reference design achieves low stand-by and ship-mode consumption and optimizes the current gaps between two groups. This reference design is for high-cell-count, high voltage and battery-pack applications.
- 300-μA consumption in standby mode
- 10-µA consumption in ship mode
- ±5-mV voltage accuracy at 25°C without calibration
- Robust and programmable battery cell and system protection
- High-side N-channel MOSFETs and strong driving capability