SPRAD26 April 2022 AM67 , AM67A , AM68 , AM68A , AM69 , AM69A , DRA821U , DRA821U-Q1 , DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4AEN-Q1 , TDA4AH-Q1 , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4AP-Q1 , TDA4APE-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VEN-Q1 , TDA4VH-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1 , TDA4VP-Q1 , TDA4VPE-Q1
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SPI is a synchronous serial communication interface specification used for short-distance communication, primarily in embedded systems.
Salient features of SPI protocol are listed below:
The SPI bus specifies four logic signals:
MOSI on a master connects to MOSI on a slave. MISO on a master connects to MISO on a slave.
Slave Select has the same functionality as chip select and is used instead of an addressing concept.
MCSPI stands for Multichannel Serial Peripheral Interface (MCSPI). The MCSPI module is a multichannel transmit/receive, master/slave synchronous serial bus. There are eleven MCSPI modules in the device (see Table 2-1).
Instance | Doman | ||
MCU_MCSPI0 | - | ✓ | - |
MCU_MCSPI1 | - | ✓ | - |
MCU_MCSPI2 | - | ✓ | - |
MCSPI0 | - | - | ✓ |
MCSPI1 | - | - | ✓ |
MCSPI2 | - | - | ✓ |
MCSPI3 | - | - | ✓ |
MCSPI4 | - | - | ✓ |
MCSPI5 | - | - | ✓ |
MCSPI6 | - | - | ✓ |
MCSPI7 | v | - | ✓ |
For more information, see the J7200 DRA821 Processor Silicon Revision 1.0 Technical Reference Manual.
missing table
MCSPI4 is directly connected as a slave to MCU_MCSPI2 by default at power-up. MCSPI4 and
MCU_MCSPI2 are not pinned out externally.The MCSPI modules include the following main features: