SBAA565 November 2022 ADC081C021 , ADC081C027 , ADC101C021 , ADC101C027 , ADC121C021 , ADC121C021-Q1 , ADC121C027 , ADC128D818 , ADS1000 , ADS1000-Q1 , ADS1013 , ADS1014 , ADS1015 , ADS1015-Q1 , ADS1100 , ADS1110 , ADS1112 , ADS1113 , ADS1114 , ADS1115 , ADS1115-Q1 , ADS7823 , ADS7827 , ADS7828 , ADS7828-Q1 , ADS7830 , ADS7924 , AFE539A4 , DAC081C081 , DAC081C085 , DAC101C081 , DAC101C081Q , DAC101C085 , DAC121C081 , DAC121C085 , DAC43204 , DAC43401 , DAC43401-Q1 , DAC43608 , DAC43701 , DAC43701-Q1 , DAC53002 , DAC53004 , DAC53202 , DAC53204 , DAC53204W , DAC53401 , DAC53401-Q1 , DAC53608 , DAC53701 , DAC53701-Q1 , DAC5571 , DAC5573 , DAC5574 , DAC5578 , DAC60501 , DAC60502 , DAC63002 , DAC63004 , DAC63202 , DAC63204 , DAC6571 , DAC6573 , DAC6574 , DAC6578 , DAC70501 , DAC70502 , DAC7571 , DAC7573 , DAC7574 , DAC7578 , DAC7678 , DAC80501 , DAC80502 , DAC8571 , DAC8574
I2C is a common digital communication standard used in a wide variety of products. The protocol uses a two-wire communication interface that allows for multiple controllers and multiple target peripheral devices. This application note described many important aspects of the protocol as a guide to using I2C to communicate with controller devices.
This application note discussed both the protocol and the physical layer for I2C communications. Because I2C are often used with data converter devices, examples of communications were provided for a DAC and an ADC for both writing to and reading from registers. This note also covered many not-so-common aspects of the protocol, such as clock stretching, fast-mode, and clock stretching which are not commonly implemented in devices.
The topics presented here were not all covered in depth. However, this application note provides system designers with a working knowledge of the protocol. Using this information, designers can set up their I2C systems and debug them when there are communication problems.