SNOAA35F April 2019 – December 2024 LM2901 , LM2901B , LM2901B-Q1 , LM2903 , LM2903-Q1 , LM2903B , LM2903B-Q1 , LM339 , LM339-N , LM393 , LM393-N , LM393B , LM397 , TL331 , TL331-Q1 , TL331B
In 2024, PCN #20231016006 was issued for the Quad devices (LMx39/LM2901). The Post-PCN Quad die is a redesign on a different TiB process than the single and dual PCN#1. The specifications are similar, but certain outside-of-data sheet specifications behavior is more like the classic die.