
Number of SRC channels 2 Digital audio interface I2S, L, R, TDM Dynamic range (dB) 144 Digital supply (up to 5 V) (V) 3 - 3.6 THD+N (dB) -140 Control mode H/W Power supply (V) 3.3 Control interface H/W Audio data format I2S, Normal, TDM Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 212
Number of SRC channels 2 Digital audio interface I2S, L, R, TDM Dynamic range (dB) 144 Digital supply (up to 5 V) (V) 3 - 3.6 THD+N (dB) -140 Control mode H/W Power supply (V) 3.3 Control interface H/W Audio data format I2S, Normal, TDM Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 212
SSOP (DB) 28 79.56 mm² 10.2 x 7.8
  • Automatic Sensing of the Input-to-Output
    Sampling Ratio
  • Wide Input-to-Output Sampling Range: 16:1 to
  • Supports Input and Output Sampling Rates Up to
    212 kHz
  • Dynamic Range: 144 dB (–60-dbFS Input, BW =
    20 Hz to fS/2, A-Weighted)
  • THD+N: –140 dB (0-dbFS Input, BW = 20 Hz to
  • Attenuates Sampling and Reference Clock Jitter
  • High-Performance, Linear-Phase Digital Filtering
    with Stop Band Attenuation Greater than 140 dB
  • Flexible Audio Serial Ports:
    • Master or Slave-Mode Operation
    • Supports I2S, Left-Justified, Right-Justified,
      and TDM Data Formats
    • Supports 16, 18, 20, or 24-Bit Audio Data
    • TDM Mode Allows Daisy-Chaining of up to
      Eight Devices
  • Supports 24-, 20-, 18-, or 16-Bit Input and Output
    Data: All Output Data is Dithered from the Internal
    28-Bit Data Path
  • Low Group Delay Option for Interpolation Filter
  • Direct Downsampling Option for Decimation Filter
    (SRC4193 Only)
  • SPI Port Provides Access to Internal Control
    Registers (SRC4193 Only)
  • Soft Mute Function
  • Bypass Mode
  • Programmable Digital Output Attenuation
    (SRC4193 Only); 256 Steps: 0 dB to –127.5 dB,
  • Power Down Mode
  • Operates From a Single 3.3-V Power Supply
  • Small 28-Pin SSOP Package
  • Pin Compatible with the AD1896 (SRC4192 Only)
  • Automatic Sensing of the Input-to-Output
    Sampling Ratio
  • Wide Input-to-Output Sampling Range: 16:1 to
  • Supports Input and Output Sampling Rates Up to
    212 kHz
  • Dynamic Range: 144 dB (–60-dbFS Input, BW =
    20 Hz to fS/2, A-Weighted)
  • THD+N: –140 dB (0-dbFS Input, BW = 20 Hz to
  • Attenuates Sampling and Reference Clock Jitter
  • High-Performance, Linear-Phase Digital Filtering
    with Stop Band Attenuation Greater than 140 dB
  • Flexible Audio Serial Ports:
    • Master or Slave-Mode Operation
    • Supports I2S, Left-Justified, Right-Justified,
      and TDM Data Formats
    • Supports 16, 18, 20, or 24-Bit Audio Data
    • TDM Mode Allows Daisy-Chaining of up to
      Eight Devices
  • Supports 24-, 20-, 18-, or 16-Bit Input and Output
    Data: All Output Data is Dithered from the Internal
    28-Bit Data Path
  • Low Group Delay Option for Interpolation Filter
  • Direct Downsampling Option for Decimation Filter
    (SRC4193 Only)
  • SPI Port Provides Access to Internal Control
    Registers (SRC4193 Only)
  • Soft Mute Function
  • Bypass Mode
  • Programmable Digital Output Attenuation
    (SRC4193 Only); 256 Steps: 0 dB to –127.5 dB,
  • Power Down Mode
  • Operates From a Single 3.3-V Power Supply
  • Small 28-Pin SSOP Package
  • Pin Compatible with the AD1896 (SRC4192 Only)

The SRC4192 and SRC4193 devices are asynchronous, sample-rate converters designed for professional and broadcast audio applications. The SRC4192 and SRC4193 devices combine a wide input-to-output sampling ratio with outstanding dynamic range and ultra-low distortion. Input and output serial ports support standard audio formats, as well as a Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) mode. Flexible audio interfaces allow the SRC4192 and SRC4193 devices to connect to a wide range of audio data converters, digital audio receivers and transmitters, and digital signal processors.

The SRC4192 device is a standalone, pin-programmed device, with control pins for mode, data format, mute, bypass, and low group-delay functions. The SRC4193 device is a software-controlled device featuring a serial peripheral interface (SPI) port, which is utilized to program all functions through the internal control registers.

The SRC4192 and SRC4193 devices can operate from a single 3.3-V power supply. A separate digital I/O supply (VIO) operates over the 1.65-V to 3.6-V supply range, allowing greater flexibility when interfacing to current and future generation signal processors and logic devices. Both devices are available in a 28-pin SSOP package.

The SRC4192 and SRC4193 devices are asynchronous, sample-rate converters designed for professional and broadcast audio applications. The SRC4192 and SRC4193 devices combine a wide input-to-output sampling ratio with outstanding dynamic range and ultra-low distortion. Input and output serial ports support standard audio formats, as well as a Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) mode. Flexible audio interfaces allow the SRC4192 and SRC4193 devices to connect to a wide range of audio data converters, digital audio receivers and transmitters, and digital signal processors.

The SRC4192 device is a standalone, pin-programmed device, with control pins for mode, data format, mute, bypass, and low group-delay functions. The SRC4193 device is a software-controlled device featuring a serial peripheral interface (SPI) port, which is utilized to program all functions through the internal control registers.

The SRC4192 and SRC4193 devices can operate from a single 3.3-V power supply. A separate digital I/O supply (VIO) operates over the 1.65-V to 3.6-V supply range, allowing greater flexibility when interfacing to current and future generation signal processors and logic devices. Both devices are available in a 28-pin SSOP package.

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