The TLV320DAC3203 (sometimes referred to as the DAC3203) is a flexible, low-power, low-voltage stereo audio codec with programmable outputs, PowerTune capabilities, fixed predefined and parameterizable signal processing blocks, integrated PLL, integrated LDO and flexible digital interfaces. Extensive register-based control of power, input/output channel configuration, gains, effects, pin-multiplexing and clocks is included, allowing the device to be precisely targeted to its application.
The device is available in the 4 mm × 4 mm VQFN and 2.7 mm × 2.7 mm DSGBA package.
The TLV320DAC3203 (sometimes referred to as the DAC3203) is a flexible, low-power, low-voltage stereo audio codec with programmable outputs, PowerTune capabilities, fixed predefined and parameterizable signal processing blocks, integrated PLL, integrated LDO and flexible digital interfaces. Extensive register-based control of power, input/output channel configuration, gains, effects, pin-multiplexing and clocks is included, allowing the device to be precisely targeted to its application.
The device is available in the 4 mm × 4 mm VQFN and 2.7 mm × 2.7 mm DSGBA package.