48-pin (PT) package image


C2000™-MCU für den Automobilbereich, 32 Bit, mit 100 MHz, FPU, TMU, 32 KB Flash

AKTIV custom-reels KUNDENSPEZIFISCH Kann als kundenspezifisch gegurtete Rolle geliefert werden


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Informationen zur Qualität

Beurteilung Automotive
Beschichtungsmaterial für Anschlussdrähte/Balls NIPDAU
MSL-Rating/Spitzenrückfluss Level-3-260C-168 HR
Informationen zu Qualität,
Zuverlässigkeit und Gehäuse

Enthaltene Informationen:

  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Beschichtungsmaterial für Anschlussdrähte/Balls
  • MSL-Rating/Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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*Nur für Referenzzwecke

  • US ECCN: 3A991A2


Gehäuse | Pins LQFP (PT) | 48
Betriebstemperaturbereich (°C) -40 to 125
Gehäusemenge | Träger 1.000 | LARGE T&R

Merkmale von TMS320F280021-Q1

  • TMS320C28x 32-bit DSP core at 100MHz
    • IEEE 754 Floating-Point Unit (FPU)
      • Support for Fast Integer Division (FINTDIV)
    • Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU)
      • Support for Nonlinear Proportional Integral Derivative (NLPID) control
    • CRC Engine and Instructions (VCRC)
    • Ten hardware breakpoints (with ERAD)
  • On-chip memory
    • 128KB (64KW) of flash (ECC-protected)
    • 24KB (12KW) of RAM (ECC or parity-protected)
    • Dual-zone security
  • Clock and system control
    • Two internal zero-pin 10MHz oscillators
    • Crystal oscillator or external clock input
    • Windowed watchdog timer module
    • Missing clock detection circuitry
    • Dual-clock Comparator (DCC)
  • Single 3.3V supply
    • Internal VREG generation
    • Brownout reset (BOR) circuit
  • System peripherals
    • 6-channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller
    • 43 individually programmable multiplexed General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins
    • 16 digital inputs on analog pins
    • Enhanced Peripheral Interrupt Expansion (ePIE)
    • Multiple low-power mode (LPM) support
    • Embedded Real-time Analysis and Diagnostic (ERAD)
    • Unique Identification (UID) number
  • Communications peripherals
    • One Power-Management Bus (PMBus) interface
    • Two Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) interfaces
    • One Controller Area Network (CAN) bus port
    • Two Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ports
    • One UART-compatible Serial Communication Interface (SCI)
    • Two UART-compatible Local Interconnect Network (LIN) interfaces
    • Fast Serial Interface (FSI) with one transmitter and one receiver (up to 200Mbps)
  • Analog system
    • Two 3.45MSPS, 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)
      • Up to 16 external channels
      • Four integrated Post-Processing Blocks (PPB) per ADC
    • Four windowed comparators (CMPSS) with 12-bit reference Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
      • Digital glitch filters
  • Enhanced control peripherals
    • 14 ePWM channels with eight channels that have high-resolution capability (150ps resolution)
      • Integrated dead-band support
      • Integrated hardware trip zones (TZs)
    • Three Enhanced Capture (eCAP) modules
      • High-resolution Capture (HRCAP) available on one of the three eCAP modules
    • Two Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) modules with support for CW/CCW operation modes
  • Configurable Logic Block (CLB)
    • Augments existing peripheral capability
    • Supports position manager solutions
  • Host Interface Controller (HIC)
    • Access to internal memory from an external host
  • Background CRC (BGCRC)
    • One cycle CRC computation on 32 bits of data
  • Diagnostic features
    • Memory Power On Self Test (MPOST)
    • Hardware Built-in Self Test (HWBIST)
  • Package options:
    • 80-pin Low-profile Quad Flatpack (LQFP) [PN suffix]
    • 64-pin LQFP [PM suffix]
    • 48-pin LQFP [PT suffix]
  • Temperature options:
    • S: –40°C to 125°C junction
    • Q: –40°C to 125°C free-air (AEC Q100 qualification for automotive applications)
  • Functional Safety Quality-Managed
    • Documentation available to aid ISO 26262, IEC 61508, and IEC 60730 system design

Beschreibung von TMS320F280021-Q1

The TMS320F28002x (F28002x) is a member of the C2000™ real-time microcontroller family of scalable, ultra-low latency devices designed for efficiency in power electronics, including but not limited to: high power density, high switching frequencies, and supporting the use of GaN and SiC technologies.

These include such applications as:

The real-time control subsystem is based on TI’s 32-bit C28x DSP core, which provides 100MHz of signal-processing performance for floating- or fixed-point code running from either on-chip flash or SRAM. The C28x CPU is further boosted by the Trigonometric Math Unit (TMU) and VCRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) extended instruction sets, speeding up common algorithms key to real-time control systems.

High-performance analog blocks are integrated on the F28002x real-time microcontroller (MCU) and are closely coupled with the processing and PWM units to provide optimal real-time signal chain performance. Fourteen PWM channels, all supporting frequency-independent resolution modes, enable control of various power stages from a 3-phase inverter to advanced multilevel power topologies.

The inclusion of the Configurable Logic Block (CLB) allows the user to add custom logic and potentially integrate FPGA-like functions into the C2000 real-time MCU.

Interfacing is supported through various industry-standard communication ports (such as SPI, SCI, I2C, PMBus, LIN, and CAN) and offers multiple pin-muxing options for optimal signal placement. The Fast Serial Interface (FSI) enables up to 200Mbps of robust communications across an isolation boundary.

New to the C2000 platform is the Host Interface Controller (HIC), a high-throughput interface that allows an external host to access the resources of the TMS320F28002x directly.

Want to learn more about features that make C2000 MCUs the right choice for your real-time control system? Check out The Essential Guide for Developing With C2000™ Real-Time Microcontrollers and visit the C2000™ real-time control MCUs page.

The Getting Started With C2000™ Real-Time Control Microcontrollers (MCUs) Getting Started Guide covers all aspects of development with C2000 devices from hardware to support resources. In addition to key reference documents, each section provides relevant links and resources to further expand on the information covered.

Ready to get started? Check out the TMDSCNCD280025C evaluation board and download C2000Ware.


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Wir bieten verschiedene Trägeroptionen für Ihre Bestellung. Je nach der Menge der von Ihnen bestellten Teile können Sie Standard-Rollen, kundenspezifisch gegurtete Rollen, Gurtabschnitte, Stangen oder Trays als Lieferoption auswählen.

Eine kundenspezifisch gegurtete Rolle ist ein kontinuierlich verlaufender Gurtabschnitt, der von einer Rolle geschnitten wird, um die Rückführbarkeit des Chargen- und Datumscodes zu gewährleisten. Nach Industriestandards sind ein 18 Zoll breiter Vorspann und Abspann mit einer Distanzscheibe aus Messing auf beiden Seiten des Gurtabschnitts verbunden, sodass es direkt in einen Bestückungsautomaten eingespeist werden kann. TI erhebt für kundenspezifisch gewickelte Rollen eine Wickelgebühr.

Gurtabschnitt bezeichnet eine von einer Rolle abgeschnittene Gurtlänge. Es kann sein, dass TI die Bestellung in mehreren Streifen von Gurtabschnitten oder auf mehrere Boxen verteilt liefert, um die von Ihnen gewünschte Menge zu erfüllen.

TI liefert Tube- oder Tray-Bauteile häufig in einer Box, oder aber in der Tube oder dem Tray – je nach Verfügbarkeit. Wir verpacken alle Gurte, Stangen oder Musterbehälter gemäß unseren internen Schutzanforderungen für ESD (Electro Static Discharge) und MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level).

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