SMBus 搭載、複数のバッテリ ケミストリーに対応、最大 4 セル、レベル 2 降圧バッテリ チャージャ
- NMOS-NMOS Synchronous Buck Converter with
300-kHz Frequency and >95% Efficiency - 30-ns Minimum Driver Dead-Time and
99.5% Maximum Effective Duty Cycle - High-Accuracy Voltage and Current Regulation
- ±0.5% Charge Voltage Accuracy
- ±3% Charge Current Accuracy
- ±3% Adapter Current Accuracy
- ±2% Input Current Sense Amp Accuracy
- Integration
- Input Current Comparator, With Adjustable
Threshold and Hysteresis - Internal Soft-Start
- Input Current Comparator, With Adjustable
- Safety
- Dynamic Power Management (DPM)
- Up to 19.2-V Battery Voltage
- 7-V–24-V AC/DC-Adapter Operating Range
- Simplified SMBus Control Interface
- Charge Voltage DAC (1.024 V–19.2 V)
- Charge Current DAC (128 mA–8.064 A)
- Adapter Current Limit DPM DAC
(256 mA–11.008 A)
- Status and Monitoring Outputs
- AC/DC Adapter Present With
Adjustable Voltage Threshold - Input Current Comparator With Adjustable
Threshold and Hysteresis - Current Sense Amplifier for Current Drawn
From Input Source
- AC/DC Adapter Present With
- Charge Any Battery Chemistry: Li+, NiCd,
NiMH, Lead Acid, Etc. - Charge Enable Pin
- < 10-µA Battery Current With Adapter Removed
- < 1-mA Input DCIN Current With Adapter
Present and Charge Disabled - 28-Pin, 5-mm × 5-mm QFN Package
The bq24745 is a high-efficiency, synchronous battery charger with an integrated input-current comparator, offering low component count for space-constrained, multi-chemistry battery-charging applications. The input-current, charge-current, and charge-voltage DACs allow very high regulation accuracies that can be easily programmed by the system power-management microcontroller using the SMBus interface. The bq24745 charges two, three, or four series Li+ cells, and is available in a 28-pin, 5-mm × 5 mm QFN package.
The bq24745 features dynamic power management (DPM) and input power limiting. These features reduce battery-charge current when the input power limit is reached to avoid overloading the ac adaptor when supplying the load and the battery charger simultaneously. A highly accurate current-sense amplifier enables precise measurement of input current from the ac adapter, allowing monitoring the overall system power. If the adapter current is above the programmed low-power threshold, a signal is sent to host so that the system optimizes its performance to the power available from the adapter. An integrated comparator monitors the input current through the current-sense amplifier, and indicates when the input current exceeds a programmable threshold limit.
- RoHS
- デバイスのマーキング
- リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
- MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
- MTBF/FIT 推定値
- 使用原材料
- 認定試験結果
- 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
- ファブの拠点
- 組み立てを実施した拠点