- RF Section
- Single-Chip 2.4-GHz Radio, Including Embedded ANT Protocol
- Excellent Link Budget, Enabling Long Range Without External Front-Ends
- Excellent Output Power (4 dBm)
- Suitable for Systems Targeting Compliance With Worldwide Radio Frequency
Regulations: ETSI EN 300 328 and EN 300 440 Class 2 (Europe), FCC CFR47
Part 15 (US), and ARIB STD-T66 (Japan) - Accurate Full-Range RSSI Function, Especially Suited for Accurate Proximity Pairing
- Layout
- Few External Components
- Reference Designs Available
- 40-Pin, 6-mm × 6-mm QFN Package
- Low Power
- Powered Down With Low-Power Times: 1 µA
- Powered Down Without Timer: 0.5 µA
- Wide Supply Voltage Range (2 V–3.6 V)
- ANT Protocol Support
- Fully Compatible With the ANT and ANT+™ Protocols and Existing ANT Devices
- Built-In ANT-FS™ Support
- Easy Connection to Host MCU Through Asynchronous or Synchronous Serial Interface
- CC2570 Supports One ANT Channel
- CC2571 Supports Eight ANT Channels
- Support for Both Public, Private and Managed ANT Networks
- Support for High-Resolution Proximity Pairing
- Sports and Fitness Equipment
- Health and Medical Equipment
- Consumer Health Devices
- Consumer Electronics
ANT, ANT-FS are trademarks of Dynastream Innovations Inc.
The CC2570 and CC2571 are ANT RF network processors that implement the easy-to-use, power-efficient ANT protocol. The CC2570 supports one ANT channel, whereas the CC2571 supports eight ANT channels. The CC2570/71 can be connected to a host MCU (such as an MSP430) through a UART or SPI serial interface and accessed through a set of API calls. The majority of the ANT protocol is built into the CC2570/71, including the ANT-FS file system functionality; only the application and profile layers must reside on the host MCU, thus keeping host MCU memory requirements to a minimum.
The ANT protocol has been designed to be very power-efficient, yet is flexible enough to support various network topologies (point-to-point, star, connected star, 1-to-N, and N-to-1) and data transfer modes (broadcast, acknowledged, burst data transfer). Each logical ANT channel can be independently configured for one-way or two-way operation, depending on requirements of the application.
- RoHS
- デバイスのマーキング
- リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
- MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
- MTBF/FIT 推定値
- 使用原材料
- 認定試験結果
- 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
- ファブの拠点
- 組み立てを実施した拠点