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PGA/VGA VGA Number of channels 1 Vs (min) (V) 10 Vs (max) (V) 10 BW at Acl (MHz) 35 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 0.01 Gain (max) (dB) 40 Features Analog Gain Set, Differential to Single-ended conversion Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 350 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
PGA/VGA VGA Number of channels 1 Vs (min) (V) 10 Vs (max) (V) 10 BW at Acl (MHz) 35 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 0.01 Gain (max) (dB) 40 Features Analog Gain Set, Differential to Single-ended conversion Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 350 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • High Gain Adjust Range: ±40 dB
  • Differential In, Single-Ended Out
  • Low Input Noise Voltage: 2.4 nV/√Hz
  • Constant Bandwidth vs Gain: 35 MHz
  • High dB/V Gain Linearity: ±0.3 dB
  • Gain Control Bandwidth: 25 MHz
  • Low Output DC Error: < ±40 mV
  • High Output Current: &plsumn;60 mA
  • Low Supply Current: 24.8 mA
    (Maximum for –40°C to 85°C Temperature Range)
    • Optical Receiver Time Gain Control
    • Sonar Systems
    • Voltage-Tunable Active Filters
    • Log Amplifiers
    • Pulse Amplitude Compensation
    • AGC receivers With RSSI
    • Improved Replacement for VCA610

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

  • High Gain Adjust Range: ±40 dB
  • Differential In, Single-Ended Out
  • Low Input Noise Voltage: 2.4 nV/√Hz
  • Constant Bandwidth vs Gain: 35 MHz
  • High dB/V Gain Linearity: ±0.3 dB
  • Gain Control Bandwidth: 25 MHz
  • Low Output DC Error: < ±40 mV
  • High Output Current: &plsumn;60 mA
  • Low Supply Current: 24.8 mA
    (Maximum for –40°C to 85°C Temperature Range)
    • Optical Receiver Time Gain Control
    • Sonar Systems
    • Voltage-Tunable Active Filters
    • Log Amplifiers
    • Pulse Amplitude Compensation
    • AGC receivers With RSSI
    • Improved Replacement for VCA610

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

The VCA810 is a DC-coupled, wideband, continuously variable, voltage-controlled gain amplifier. The device provides a differential input to single-ended output conversion with a high-impedance gain control input used to vary the gain over a –40-dB to 40-dB range linear in dB/V.

Operating from ±5-V supplies, the device gain control voltage adjusts the gain from –40 dB at a 0-V input to 40 dB at a –2-V input. Increasing the control voltage above ground attenuates the signal path to greater than 80 dB. Signal bandwidth and slew rate remain constant over the entire gain adjust range. This 40-dB/V gain control is accurate within ±1.5 dB (±0.9 dB for high grade), allowing the gain control voltage in an AGC application to be used as a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) with ±1.5-dB accuracy.

Excellent common-mode rejection and common-mode input range at the two high-impedance inputs allow the device to provide a differential receiver operation with gain adjust. The output signal is referenced to ground. Zero differential input voltage gives a 0-V output with a small DC offset error. Low input noise voltage ensures good output SNR at the highest gain settings.

In applications where pulse edge information is critical, and the device is being used to equalize varying channel loss, minimal change in group delay over gain setting retains excellent pulse edge information.

An improved output stage provides adequate output current to drive the most demanding loads. Although principally intended to drive analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) or second-stage amplifiers, the ±60-mA output current easily drives doubly-terminated 50-Ω lines or a passive post-filter stage over the ±1.7-V output voltage range.

The VCA810 is a DC-coupled, wideband, continuously variable, voltage-controlled gain amplifier. The device provides a differential input to single-ended output conversion with a high-impedance gain control input used to vary the gain over a –40-dB to 40-dB range linear in dB/V.

Operating from ±5-V supplies, the device gain control voltage adjusts the gain from –40 dB at a 0-V input to 40 dB at a –2-V input. Increasing the control voltage above ground attenuates the signal path to greater than 80 dB. Signal bandwidth and slew rate remain constant over the entire gain adjust range. This 40-dB/V gain control is accurate within ±1.5 dB (±0.9 dB for high grade), allowing the gain control voltage in an AGC application to be used as a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) with ±1.5-dB accuracy.

Excellent common-mode rejection and common-mode input range at the two high-impedance inputs allow the device to provide a differential receiver operation with gain adjust. The output signal is referenced to ground. Zero differential input voltage gives a 0-V output with a small DC offset error. Low input noise voltage ensures good output SNR at the highest gain settings.

In applications where pulse edge information is critical, and the device is being used to equalize varying channel loss, minimal change in group delay over gain setting retains excellent pulse edge information.

An improved output stage provides adequate output current to drive the most demanding loads. Although principally intended to drive analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) or second-stage amplifiers, the ±60-mA output current easily drives doubly-terminated 50-Ω lines or a passive post-filter stage over the ±1.7-V output voltage range.

ダウンロード 字幕付きのビデオを表示 ビデオ


open-in-new 代替品と比較
LMH6502 アクティブ 広帯域、低消費電力、dB 単位のリニア可変ゲイン・アンプ Wider bandwidth and supply voltage in SOIC 8 pin package


star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
3 をすべて表示
種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート VCA810 High Gain Adjust Range, Wideband and Variable Gain Amplifier データシート (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 2016年 1月 4日
ユーザー・ガイド DEM-VCA-SO-1A User's Guide (Rev. B) 2010年 4月 22日
アプリケーション・ノート 高速アナログ設計でのボード寄生成分の測定 英語版 2006年 11月 14日




DEM-VCA-SO-1A — DEM-VCA-SO-1A デモ・キット(無償版)

The DEM-VCA-SO-1A demonstration fixture helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of TI's single, wideband, voltage-controlled amplifiers. This unpopulated PC board is compatible with products offered in the SO-8 (D) package.

For more information on these types of high speed devices, as (...)

ユーザー ガイド: PDF

VCA810 PSpice Model (Rev. B)

SBOC069B.ZIP (36 KB) - PSpice Model

VCA810 TINA-TI Reference Design

SBOM869.TSC (3302 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

VCA810 TINA-TI Spice Model

SBOM870.ZIP (4 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI Design / シミュレーション ツール向け PSpice®

PSpice® for TI は、各種アナログ回路の機能評価に役立つ、設計とシミュレーション向けの環境です。設計とシミュレーションに適したこのフル機能スイートは、Cadence® のアナログ分析エンジンを使用しています。PSpice for TI は無償で使用でき、アナログや電源に関する TI の製品ラインアップを対象とする、業界でも有数の大規模なモデル ライブラリが付属しているほか、選択された一部のアナログ動作モデルも利用できます。

設計とシミュレーション向けの環境である PSpice for TI を使用すると、内蔵のライブラリを使用して、複雑なミックスド (...)

TINA-TI — SPICE ベースのアナログ・シミュレーション・プログラム

TINA-TI は、DC 解析、過渡解析、周波数ドメイン解析など、SPICE の標準的な機能すべてを搭載しています。TINA には多彩な後処理機能があり、結果を必要なフォーマットにすることができます。仮想計測機能を使用すると、入力波形を選択し、回路ノードの電圧や波形を仮想的に測定することができます。TINA の回路キャプチャ機能は非常に直観的であり、「クイックスタート」を実現できます。

TINA-TI をインストールするには、約 500MB が必要です。インストールは簡単です。必要に応じてアンインストールも可能です。(そのようなことはないと思いますが)

TINA は DesignSoft (...)

ユーザー ガイド: PDF
英語版 (Rev.A): PDF
パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点


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