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DRV88xx Software

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Latest version
Release date: Nov 8, 2018
Brushed DC (BDC) motor drivers
DRV8814 47-V, 2.5-A dual brushed DC motor driver with inrush protection
Stepper motor drivers
DRV8802 45-V, 1.6-A dual H-bridge motor driver with current regulation DRV8812 45-V, 1.6-A bipolar stepper or dual H-bridge motor driver with current regulation DRV8813 45-V, 2.5-A bipolar stepper or dual H-bridge motor driver with current regulation DRV8824 45-V, 1.6-A bipolar stepper motor driver with current regulation and 1/32 microstepping   DRV8825 45-V, 2.5-A bipolar stepper motor driver with current regulation and 1/32 microstepping   DRV8841 45-V, 2.5-A bipolar stepper or dual H-bridge motor driver IC with current regulation and PWM control DRV8843 45-V, 2.5-A bipolar stepper or dual H-bridge motor driver with current regulation and PWM control
Hardware development
Evaluation board
DRV8802EVM DRV8802 Evaluation Module DRV8812EVM Evaluation module for DRV8812 DRV8813EVM Evaluation Module for DRV8813 DRV8824EVM DRV8824 Evaluation Module DRV8825EVM Evaluation Module for DRV8825 DRV8840EVM Evaluation Module for DRV8840 DRV8841EVM Evaluation Module for DRV8841 DRV8842EVM Evaluation Module for DRV8842

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