SLUAAM7A december 2022 – july 2023 TPS561201 , TPS561208 , TPS561243 , TPS561246 , TPS562201 , TPS562208 , TPS562243 , TPS562246 , TPS563201 , TPS563208 , TPS563252 , TPS563257 , TPS564201 , TPS564208 , TPS564242 , TPS564247 , TPS564252 , TPS564255 , TPS564257 , TPS565201 , TPS565208 , TPS565242 , TPS565247 , TPS566242 , TPS566247
Co-layout is more and more required in Buck converters applications due to the advantage of design flexibility. This application note focuses on how to co-lay between TPS56x242/7, TPS56x202/3/6/7 with SOT-563 package and TPS56x201/8 with SOT-236 package. First, the pin-out is compared. Next, the schematic design and layout consideration are introduced. Finally, a co-layout design example is given and this application design is verified based on experiments.
D-CAP3™ is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The TPS56x242/7, TPS56x202/3/6/7 are single, adaptive on-time, D-CAP3™ control mode, synchronous buck converters that requires a very low external component count. The D-CAP3 control circuit is optimized for low-ESR output capacitors such as POSCAP, SP-CAP, or ceramic types and features fast transient response with no external compensation. TPS56x201/8 star parts series including: TPS561201/8, TPS562201/8, TPS563201/8, TPS564201/8, and TPS565201/8 which have been widely used in DTV, STB, surveillance, networking home terminal, and so on. Co-layout is more and more required in Buck converters applications due to the advantage of design flexibility. This application report mainly discusses how to do co-layout between TPS56x242/7, TPS56x202/3/6/7 and TPS56x201/8.