
Rating Catalog Integrated isolated power No Isolation rating Functional Number of channels 2 Forward/reverse channels 1 forward / 1 reverse Default output High, Low Data rate (max) (Mbps) 50 Protocols GPIO, PWM, UART CMTI (min) (V/µs) 100000 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.71 Propagation delay time (typ) (µs) 0.011 Current consumption per channel (1 Mbps) (typ) (mA) 1.8 Creepage (min) (mm) 2.2 Clearance (min) (mm) 2.2
Rating Catalog Integrated isolated power No Isolation rating Functional Number of channels 2 Forward/reverse channels 1 forward / 1 reverse Default output High, Low Data rate (max) (Mbps) 50 Protocols GPIO, PWM, UART CMTI (min) (V/µs) 100000 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.71 Propagation delay time (typ) (µs) 0.011 Current consumption per channel (1 Mbps) (typ) (mA) 1.8 Creepage (min) (mm) 2.2 Clearance (min) (mm) 2.2
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6 VSON (REU) 8 6 mm² 3 x 2
  • Dual channel, CMOS output functional isolators
  • 50Mbps data rate
  • Robust SiO2 isolation barrier with ±150kV/µs typical CMTI
  • Functional Isolation (8-REU):
    • 200VRMS, 280VDC working voltage
    • 570VRMS, 800VDC transient voltage (60s)
  • Functional Isolation (8-D):
    • 450VRMS, 637VDC working voltage
    • 707VRMS, 1000VDC transient voltage (60s)
  • Available in a compact 8-REU package with >2.2mm creepage
  • Wide supply range: 1.71V to 1.89V and 2.25V to 5.5V
  • 1.71V to 5.5V level translation
  • Default output High (ISO652x) and Low (ISO652xF) Options
  • Wide temperature range: –40°C to 125°C
  • 1.8mA per channel typical at 1Mbps at 3.3V
  • Low propagation delay: 11ns typical at 3.3V
  • Robust electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
    • System-Level ESD, EFT, and surge immunity
    • Ultra-low emissions
  • Leadless-DFN (8-REU) package and Narrow-SOIC (8-D) package options
  • Dual channel, CMOS output functional isolators
  • 50Mbps data rate
  • Robust SiO2 isolation barrier with ±150kV/µs typical CMTI
  • Functional Isolation (8-REU):
    • 200VRMS, 280VDC working voltage
    • 570VRMS, 800VDC transient voltage (60s)
  • Functional Isolation (8-D):
    • 450VRMS, 637VDC working voltage
    • 707VRMS, 1000VDC transient voltage (60s)
  • Available in a compact 8-REU package with >2.2mm creepage
  • Wide supply range: 1.71V to 1.89V and 2.25V to 5.5V
  • 1.71V to 5.5V level translation
  • Default output High (ISO652x) and Low (ISO652xF) Options
  • Wide temperature range: –40°C to 125°C
  • 1.8mA per channel typical at 1Mbps at 3.3V
  • Low propagation delay: 11ns typical at 3.3V
  • Robust electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
    • System-Level ESD, EFT, and surge immunity
    • Ultra-low emissions
  • Leadless-DFN (8-REU) package and Narrow-SOIC (8-D) package options

The ISO652x devices are high-performance, dual-channel functional isolators designed for cost sensitive, space constrained applications that require isolation for non-safety applications. The isolation barrier supports a working voltage of 200VRMS / 280VDC and transient over voltages of 570VRMS / 800VDC.

The devices provide high electromagnetic immunity and low emissions at low power consumption, while isolating CMOS or LVCMOS digital I/Os. Each isolation channel has a logic input and output buffer separated by TI’s double capacitive silicon dioxide (SiO2) insulation barrier. ISO6520 has two isolation channels with both channels in the same direction. ISO6521 has two isolation channels with one channel in each direction. In the event of input power or signal loss, the default output is high for devices without suffix F and low for devices with suffix F. See Device Functional Modes section for further details.

These devices help prevent noise currents on data buses, such as UART, SPI, RS-485, RS-232, and CAN from damaging sensitive circuitry. Through chip design and layout techniques, the electromagnetic compatibility of the devices have been significantly enhanced to ease system-level ESD and emissions compliance.

The ISO652x devices are high-performance, dual-channel functional isolators designed for cost sensitive, space constrained applications that require isolation for non-safety applications. The isolation barrier supports a working voltage of 200VRMS / 280VDC and transient over voltages of 570VRMS / 800VDC.

The devices provide high electromagnetic immunity and low emissions at low power consumption, while isolating CMOS or LVCMOS digital I/Os. Each isolation channel has a logic input and output buffer separated by TI’s double capacitive silicon dioxide (SiO2) insulation barrier. ISO6520 has two isolation channels with both channels in the same direction. ISO6521 has two isolation channels with one channel in each direction. In the event of input power or signal loss, the default output is high for devices without suffix F and low for devices with suffix F. See Device Functional Modes section for further details.

These devices help prevent noise currents on data buses, such as UART, SPI, RS-485, RS-232, and CAN from damaging sensitive circuitry. Through chip design and layout techniques, the electromagnetic compatibility of the devices have been significantly enhanced to ease system-level ESD and emissions compliance.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet ISO652x General Purpose Dual-Channel Functional Isolators datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 10 Apr 2024
White paper Shrinking Solution Size and Cost With Functional Isolation PDF | HTML 22 Aug 2024
Product overview Isolating UART Signals (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 18 Jun 2024
Application brief Understanding Functional Isolation (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 02 Jan 2024
EVM User's guide ISO652x Dual-Channel Functional Isolators Evaluation Module PDF | HTML 25 Jul 2023

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