
Number of ADC channels 2 Analog inputs 2 Digital audio interface I2S, L, TDM Control interface I2C, SPI Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 768 ADC SNR (typ) (dB) 110 Rating Automotive Analog outputs 0 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Number of ADC channels 2 Analog inputs 2 Digital audio interface I2S, L, TDM Control interface I2C, SPI Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 768 ADC SNR (typ) (dB) 110 Rating Automotive Analog outputs 0 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
WQFN (RTV) 32 25 mm² 5 x 5
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C
  • ADC performance:
    • Line differential input dynamic range: 110 dB
    • Microphone differential input dynamic range: 110 dB
    • THD+N: –94 dB
    • Channel summing mode supports high SNR
  • ADC input voltage:
    • Differential, 10-VRMS full-scale inputs
    • Single-ended, 5-VRMS full-scale inputs
  • ADC sample rate (fS) = 8 kHz to 768 kHz
  • Programmable channel settings:
    • Channel gain: 0 dB to 42 dB, 1-dB steps
    • Digital volume control: –100 dB to 27 dB
    • Gain calibration with 0.1-dB resolution
    • Phase calibration with 163-ns resolution
  • Programmable microphone bias (5 V to 9 V):
    • With integrated efficient boost converter
  • Programmable microphone input fault diagnostics:
    • Open inputs or shorted inputs
    • Short to ground, MICBIAS, or VBAT
    • Microphone bias over current protection
  • Low-latency signal processing filter selection
  • Programmable HPF and biquad digital filters
  • I2C or SPI controls
  • Audio serial data interface:
    • Format: TDM, I2S, or left-justified (LJ)
    • Word length: 16 bits, 20 bits, 24 bits, or 32 bits
    • Master or slave interface
  • Single-supply, 3.3-V operation
  • I/O supply operation: 3.3 V or 1.8 V
  • Power consumption:
    • < 21.5 mW/channel at 48-kHz
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C
  • ADC performance:
    • Line differential input dynamic range: 110 dB
    • Microphone differential input dynamic range: 110 dB
    • THD+N: –94 dB
    • Channel summing mode supports high SNR
  • ADC input voltage:
    • Differential, 10-VRMS full-scale inputs
    • Single-ended, 5-VRMS full-scale inputs
  • ADC sample rate (fS) = 8 kHz to 768 kHz
  • Programmable channel settings:
    • Channel gain: 0 dB to 42 dB, 1-dB steps
    • Digital volume control: –100 dB to 27 dB
    • Gain calibration with 0.1-dB resolution
    • Phase calibration with 163-ns resolution
  • Programmable microphone bias (5 V to 9 V):
    • With integrated efficient boost converter
  • Programmable microphone input fault diagnostics:
    • Open inputs or shorted inputs
    • Short to ground, MICBIAS, or VBAT
    • Microphone bias over current protection
  • Low-latency signal processing filter selection
  • Programmable HPF and biquad digital filters
  • I2C or SPI controls
  • Audio serial data interface:
    • Format: TDM, I2S, or left-justified (LJ)
    • Word length: 16 bits, 20 bits, 24 bits, or 32 bits
    • Master or slave interface
  • Single-supply, 3.3-V operation
  • I/O supply operation: 3.3 V or 1.8 V
  • Power consumption:
    • < 21.5 mW/channel at 48-kHz

The PCM6020-Q1 is a 2-channel high-performance, audio analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that supports analog input signals up to 10 VRMS. The PCM6020-Q1 supports line and microphone inputs, and allows for both single-ended and differential input configurations. This device offers an integrated high-voltage, programmable microphone bias, and input diagnostic circuitry that allows direct connection to microphone-based automotive systems with full fault diagnostic capability for direct-coupled inputs. The PCM6020-Q1 integrates an efficient boost converter to generate a high voltage microphone bias using an external, low-voltage, 3.3-V supply, which is a readily available supply in the system to generate the high-voltage, programmable microphone bias. The PCM6020-Q1 integrates the programable channel gain, digital volume control, a low-jitter phase-locked loop (PLL), a programmable high-pass filter (HPF), biquad filters, low-latency filter modes, and allows for sample rates up to 768 kHz. The PCM6020-Q1 supports time-division multiplexing (TDM), I2S, or left-justified (LJ) audio formats, and can be controlled with either the I2C or SPI interface. These integrated high-performance features, along with a single, 3.3-V supply operation, make the PCM6020-Q1 device along with PCM6xx0-Q1 device family an excellent choice for scalable, space-constrained automotive systems. The PCM6020-Q1 is part of a larger PCM6xx0-Q1 device family, available for download at

The PCM6020-Q1 is a 2-channel high-performance, audio analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that supports analog input signals up to 10 VRMS. The PCM6020-Q1 supports line and microphone inputs, and allows for both single-ended and differential input configurations. This device offers an integrated high-voltage, programmable microphone bias, and input diagnostic circuitry that allows direct connection to microphone-based automotive systems with full fault diagnostic capability for direct-coupled inputs. The PCM6020-Q1 integrates an efficient boost converter to generate a high voltage microphone bias using an external, low-voltage, 3.3-V supply, which is a readily available supply in the system to generate the high-voltage, programmable microphone bias. The PCM6020-Q1 integrates the programable channel gain, digital volume control, a low-jitter phase-locked loop (PLL), a programmable high-pass filter (HPF), biquad filters, low-latency filter modes, and allows for sample rates up to 768 kHz. The PCM6020-Q1 supports time-division multiplexing (TDM), I2S, or left-justified (LJ) audio formats, and can be controlled with either the I2C or SPI interface. These integrated high-performance features, along with a single, 3.3-V supply operation, make the PCM6020-Q1 device along with PCM6xx0-Q1 device family an excellent choice for scalable, space-constrained automotive systems. The PCM6020-Q1 is part of a larger PCM6xx0-Q1 device family, available for download at

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* Data sheet PCM6020-Q1 Automotive, 2-Channel, 768-kHz, Audio ADC With Integrated Microphone Bias and Input Fault Diagnostics datasheet PDF | HTML 16 Dez 2019
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