
Rating Automotive Number of dividers 1 Divider ratio 1000:1, 210:1, 310:1, 410:1, 500:1, 510:1, 610:1 Input resistance (kΩ) 12500 Gain resistance (kΩ) 12.5, 20.5, 25, 30.5, 40.3, 50, 59.5 Initial ratio tolerance (typ) (ppm) ±200 Initial ratio tolerance (max) (ppm) ±1000 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Rating Automotive Number of dividers 1 Divider ratio 1000:1, 210:1, 310:1, 410:1, 500:1, 510:1, 610:1 Input resistance (kΩ) 12500 Gain resistance (kΩ) 12.5, 20.5, 25, 30.5, 40.3, 50, 59.5 Initial ratio tolerance (typ) (ppm) ±200 Initial ratio tolerance (max) (ppm) ±1000 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
SOIC (DWV) 8 67.275 mm² 5.85 x 11.5
  • AEC-Q200 qualified for automotive applications:
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C
  • High voltage rating:
    • Survives 3+ HiPOT tests at 4000VDC (60s)
    • 1700VDC creepage and clearance support between HVIN and LVIN (IEC-61010 PD 2)
  • High dc precision with low shift and drift:
    • Initial ratio matching precision: ±0.1% (max)
    • Low drift: ±1ppm/°C (typ)

    • Accurate ±0.2% across aging and temperature
  • Low thermal noise (1kHz) thin-film resistors:
    • 30nV/√Hz (210:1 ratio)
    • 25nV/√Hz (310:1 ratio)
    • 22nV/√Hz (410:1 ratio)
    • 20nV/√Hz (500:1 ratio)
    • 18nV/√Hz (610:1 ratio)
    • 14nV/√Hz (1000:1 ratio)
  • AEC-Q200 qualified for automotive applications:
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C
  • High voltage rating:
    • Survives 3+ HiPOT tests at 4000VDC (60s)
    • 1700VDC creepage and clearance support between HVIN and LVIN (IEC-61010 PD 2)
  • High dc precision with low shift and drift:
    • Initial ratio matching precision: ±0.1% (max)
    • Low drift: ±1ppm/°C (typ)

    • Accurate ±0.2% across aging and temperature
  • Low thermal noise (1kHz) thin-film resistors:
    • 30nV/√Hz (210:1 ratio)
    • 25nV/√Hz (310:1 ratio)
    • 22nV/√Hz (410:1 ratio)
    • 20nV/√Hz (500:1 ratio)
    • 18nV/√Hz (610:1 ratio)
    • 14nV/√Hz (1000:1 ratio)

The RES60A-Q1 is a matched resistive divider, implemented in thin-film SiCr with Texas Instruments’ modern, high-performance, analog wafer process. A high quality SiO2 insulative layer encapsulates the resistors and enables usage at extremely high voltages, up to 1400VDC for sustained operation or 4000VDC for HiPOT testing (60s). The device has a nominal input resistance of RHV = 12.5MΩ, and is available in several nominal ratios to meet a wide array of system needs.

The RES60A-Q1 series features high ratio matching precision, with the measured ratio of each divider within ±0.1% (max) of the nominal. This precision is maintained over the specified temperature range and aging, with a cumulative drift of only ±0.2% (max). Therefore, the lifetime tolerance of an uncalibrated RES60A-Q1 remains within a ±0.3% (max) envelope.

The RES60A-Q1 is automotive qualified under AEC-Q200 temperature grade 1, with a specified temperature range from –40°C to +125°C. The device is offered in an 8-pin SOIC package, with nominal body size 7.5mm × 5.85mm, and features creepage and clearance distances of at least 8.5mm between the high-voltage and low-voltage pins.

The RES60A-Q1 is a matched resistive divider, implemented in thin-film SiCr with Texas Instruments’ modern, high-performance, analog wafer process. A high quality SiO2 insulative layer encapsulates the resistors and enables usage at extremely high voltages, up to 1400VDC for sustained operation or 4000VDC for HiPOT testing (60s). The device has a nominal input resistance of RHV = 12.5MΩ, and is available in several nominal ratios to meet a wide array of system needs.

The RES60A-Q1 series features high ratio matching precision, with the measured ratio of each divider within ±0.1% (max) of the nominal. This precision is maintained over the specified temperature range and aging, with a cumulative drift of only ±0.2% (max). Therefore, the lifetime tolerance of an uncalibrated RES60A-Q1 remains within a ±0.3% (max) envelope.

The RES60A-Q1 is automotive qualified under AEC-Q200 temperature grade 1, with a specified temperature range from –40°C to +125°C. The device is offered in an 8-pin SOIC package, with nominal body size 7.5mm × 5.85mm, and features creepage and clearance distances of at least 8.5mm between the high-voltage and low-voltage pins.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet RES60A-Q1 Automotive, 1400VDC , Precision Resistive Divider datasheet PDF | HTML 10 Sep 2024
Certificate RES60EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 10 Sep 2024
EVM User's guide RES60 Evaluation Module User's Guide PDF | HTML 05 Sep 2024

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