The C40 digital signal processors (DSPs) are 32-bit, floating-point processors manufactured in 0.72-um,
double-level metal CMOS technology. The 320C40 is a part of the fourth-generation DSPs from Texas
Instruments and is designed primarily for parallel processing.
For additional information when designing for cold temperature operation, please see Texas Instruments
application report 320C3x, 320C4x and 320MCM42x Power-up Sensitivity at Cold Temperature, literature
number SGUA001.
The C40 digital signal processors (DSPs) are 32-bit, floating-point processors manufactured in 0.72-um,
double-level metal CMOS technology. The 320C40 is a part of the fourth-generation DSPs from Texas
Instruments and is designed primarily for parallel processing.
For additional information when designing for cold temperature operation, please see Texas Instruments
application report 320C3x, 320C4x and 320MCM42x Power-up Sensitivity at Cold Temperature, literature
number SGUA001.