24-Kanal-FET-Busschalter, 5 V, 1:1 (SPST) mit Schottky-Diodenklemmung
- Member of Texas Instruments' WidebusTM Family
- 5-
Switch Connection Between Two Ports
- TTL-Compatible Input and Output Levels
Widebus is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
The SN74CBTS16211 provides 24 bits of high-speed TTL-compatible bus switching with Schottky diodes on the I/Os to clamp undershoot. The low on-state resistance of the switch allows connections to be made with minimal propagation delay.
The device can operate as a dual 12-bit bus switch or as a single 24-bit bus switch. When 1OE\ is low, 1A is connected to 1B. When 2OE\ is low, 2A is connected to 2B.
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