
Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 192 Control interface I2C Architecture Class-D Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 192 Control interface I2C Architecture Class-D Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
VQFN (RHB) 32 25 mm² 5 x 5
  • Stereo Audio DAC With 95-dB SNR
  • Supports 8-kHz to 192-kHz Sample Rates
  • Stereo 1.29-W Class-D BTL 8-Ω Speaker Driver With Direct Battery Connection
  • 25 Built-In Processing Blocks (PRB_P1 – PRB_P25) Providing Biquad Filters, DRC, and 3D
  • Digital Sine-Wave Generator for Beeps and Key-Clicks (PRB_P25)
  • User-Programmable Biquad and FIR Filters
  • Two Single-Ended Inputs With Mixing and Output Level Control
  • Stereo Headphone or Lineout and Class-D Speaker Outputs Available
  • Microphone Bias
  • Headphone Detection
  • Digital Mixing Capability
  • Pin Control or Register Control for Digital-Playback Volume-Control Settings
  • Programmable PLL for Flexible Clock Generation
  • I2S, Left-Justified, Right-Justified, DSP, and TDM Audio Interfaces
  • I2C Control With Register Auto-Increment
  • Full Power-Down Control
  • Power Supplies:
    • Analog: 2.7 V–3.6 V
    • Digital Core: 1.65 V–1.95 V
    • Digital I/O: 1.1 V–3.6 V
    • Class-D: 2.7 V–5.5 V (SPLVDD and SPRVDD ≥ AVDD)
  • 5-mm × 5-mm 32-QFN Package
  • Stereo Audio DAC With 95-dB SNR
  • Supports 8-kHz to 192-kHz Sample Rates
  • Stereo 1.29-W Class-D BTL 8-Ω Speaker Driver With Direct Battery Connection
  • 25 Built-In Processing Blocks (PRB_P1 – PRB_P25) Providing Biquad Filters, DRC, and 3D
  • Digital Sine-Wave Generator for Beeps and Key-Clicks (PRB_P25)
  • User-Programmable Biquad and FIR Filters
  • Two Single-Ended Inputs With Mixing and Output Level Control
  • Stereo Headphone or Lineout and Class-D Speaker Outputs Available
  • Microphone Bias
  • Headphone Detection
  • Digital Mixing Capability
  • Pin Control or Register Control for Digital-Playback Volume-Control Settings
  • Programmable PLL for Flexible Clock Generation
  • I2S, Left-Justified, Right-Justified, DSP, and TDM Audio Interfaces
  • I2C Control With Register Auto-Increment
  • Full Power-Down Control
  • Power Supplies:
    • Analog: 2.7 V–3.6 V
    • Digital Core: 1.65 V–1.95 V
    • Digital I/O: 1.1 V–3.6 V
    • Class-D: 2.7 V–5.5 V (SPLVDD and SPRVDD ≥ AVDD)
  • 5-mm × 5-mm 32-QFN Package

The TLV320DAC3101 device is a low-power, highly integrated, high-performance DAC with selectable digital audio processing blocks and 24-bit stereo playback.

The device integrates headphone drivers and speaker drivers. The TLV320DAC3101 device has a suite of built-in processing blocks for digital audio processing. The digital audio data format is programmable to work with popular audio standard protocols (I2S, left-justified, and right-justified) in master, slave, DSP, and TDM modes. Bass boost, treble, or EQ is supported by the programmable digital signal-processing block. An on-chip PLL provides the high-speed clock needed by the digital signal-processing block. The volume level is controlled by either pin control or by register control. The audio functions are controlled using the I2C serial bus.

The TLV320DAC3101 device has a programmable digital sine-wave generator and is available in a 32-pin QFN package.

The TLV320DAC3101 device is a low-power, highly integrated, high-performance DAC with selectable digital audio processing blocks and 24-bit stereo playback.

The device integrates headphone drivers and speaker drivers. The TLV320DAC3101 device has a suite of built-in processing blocks for digital audio processing. The digital audio data format is programmable to work with popular audio standard protocols (I2S, left-justified, and right-justified) in master, slave, DSP, and TDM modes. Bass boost, treble, or EQ is supported by the programmable digital signal-processing block. An on-chip PLL provides the high-speed clock needed by the digital signal-processing block. The volume level is controlled by either pin control or by register control. The audio functions are controlled using the I2C serial bus.

The TLV320DAC3101 device has a programmable digital sine-wave generator and is available in a 32-pin QFN package.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 7
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet Low-Power Stereo Audio DAC With Audio Processing and Stereo Class-D Speaker Amplifier datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 04 Okt 2018
Application note Audio Serial Interface Configurations for Audio Codecs (Rev. A) 27 Jun 2019
Application note TLV320AIC31xx and TLV320DAC31xx Power Consumption Characterization (Rev. B) 03 Sep 2014
Application note Coefficient RAM Access Mechanisms.. (Rev. D) 25 Jan 2012
Application note Audio Serial Interface Configurations for Audio Codecs 22 Sep 2010
Application note Interfacing an I2S Device to an MSP430 Device (Rev. A) 22 Mär 2010
EVM User's guide ACEV-1A EVM User's Guide 17 Dez 2009

Design und Entwicklung

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TLV320DAC3101EVM-U — TLV320DAC3101EVM-U-Evaluierungsmodul

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Benutzerhandbuch: PDF
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Bestellen & Qualität

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  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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