
DSP type 1 C54x DSP (max) (MHz) 120, 160 CPU 16-bit Operating system DSP/BIOS Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 100
DSP type 1 C54x DSP (max) (MHz) 120, 160 CPU 16-bit Operating system DSP/BIOS Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 100
LQFP (PGE) 144 484 mm² 22 x 22 NFBGA (GWS) 144 144 mm² 12 x 12 NFBGA (ZWS) 144 144 mm² 12 x 12
  • Advanced Multibus Architecture With Three Separate 16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One Program Memory Bus
  • 40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Including a 40-Bit Barrel Shifter and Two Independent 40-Bit Accumulators
  • 17- \xD7 17-Bit Parallel Multiplier Coupled to a 40-Bit Dedicated Adder for Non-Pipelined Single-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate (MAC) Operation
  • Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU) for the Add/Compare Selection of the Viterbi Operator
  • Exponent Encoder to Compute an Exponent Value of a 40-Bit Accumulator Value in a Single Cycle
  • Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Arithmetic Units (ARAUs)
  • Data Bus With a Bus Holder Feature
  • Extended Addressing Mode for 8M \xD7 16-Bit Maximum Addressable External Program Space
  • 32K x 16-Bit On-Chip RAM Composed of:
    • Four Blocks of 8K \xD7 16-Bit On-Chip Dual-Access Program/Data RAM
  • 16K \xD7 16-Bit On-Chip ROM Configured for Program Memory
  • Enhanced External Parallel Interface (XIO2)
  • Single-Instruction-Repeat and Block-Repeat Operations for Program Code
  • Block-Memory-Move Instructions for Better Program and Data Management
  • Instructions With a 32-Bit Long Word Operand
  • Instructions With Two- or Three-Operand Reads
  • Arithmetic Instructions With Parallel Store and Parallel Load
  • Conditional Store Instructions
  • Fast Return From Interrupt
  • On-Chip Peripherals
    • Software-Programmable Wait-State Generator and Programmable Bank-Switching
    • On-Chip Programmable Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Clock Generator With Internal Oscillator or External Clock Source (1)
    • One 16-Bit Timer
    • Six-Channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller
    • Three Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs)
    • 8/16-Bit Enhanced Parallel Host-Port Interface (HPI8/16)
  • Power Consumption Control With IDLE1, IDLE2, and IDLE3 Instructions With Power-Down Modes
  • CLKOUT Off Control to Disable CLKOUT
  • On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic, IEEE Std 1149.1 (2) (JTAG) Boundary Scan Logic
  • 144-Pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) (GGU Suffix)
  • 144-Pin Low-Profile Quad Flatpack (LQFP) (PGE Suffix)
  • 6.25-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (160 MIPS)
  • 8.33-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (120 MIPS)
  • 3.3-V I/O Supply Voltage (160 and 120 MIPS)
  • 1.6-V Core Supply Voltage (160 MIPS)
  • 1.5-V Core Supply Voltage (120 MIPS)

(1) The on-chip oscillator is not available on all 5409A devices. For applicable devices, see the TMS320VC5409A Digital Signal Processor Silicon Errata (literature number SPRZ186).
(2) IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard-Test-Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture.
NOTE: This data manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the TMS320C54x\x99 DSP Functional Overview (literature number SPRU307).
TMS320C54x, MicroStar BGA, C54x, TMS320C5000, C5000, TMS320 are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Advanced Multibus Architecture With Three Separate 16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One Program Memory Bus
  • 40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Including a 40-Bit Barrel Shifter and Two Independent 40-Bit Accumulators
  • 17- \xD7 17-Bit Parallel Multiplier Coupled to a 40-Bit Dedicated Adder for Non-Pipelined Single-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate (MAC) Operation
  • Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU) for the Add/Compare Selection of the Viterbi Operator
  • Exponent Encoder to Compute an Exponent Value of a 40-Bit Accumulator Value in a Single Cycle
  • Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Arithmetic Units (ARAUs)
  • Data Bus With a Bus Holder Feature
  • Extended Addressing Mode for 8M \xD7 16-Bit Maximum Addressable External Program Space
  • 32K x 16-Bit On-Chip RAM Composed of:
    • Four Blocks of 8K \xD7 16-Bit On-Chip Dual-Access Program/Data RAM
  • 16K \xD7 16-Bit On-Chip ROM Configured for Program Memory
  • Enhanced External Parallel Interface (XIO2)
  • Single-Instruction-Repeat and Block-Repeat Operations for Program Code
  • Block-Memory-Move Instructions for Better Program and Data Management
  • Instructions With a 32-Bit Long Word Operand
  • Instructions With Two- or Three-Operand Reads
  • Arithmetic Instructions With Parallel Store and Parallel Load
  • Conditional Store Instructions
  • Fast Return From Interrupt
  • On-Chip Peripherals
    • Software-Programmable Wait-State Generator and Programmable Bank-Switching
    • On-Chip Programmable Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Clock Generator With Internal Oscillator or External Clock Source (1)
    • One 16-Bit Timer
    • Six-Channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller
    • Three Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs)
    • 8/16-Bit Enhanced Parallel Host-Port Interface (HPI8/16)
  • Power Consumption Control With IDLE1, IDLE2, and IDLE3 Instructions With Power-Down Modes
  • CLKOUT Off Control to Disable CLKOUT
  • On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic, IEEE Std 1149.1 (2) (JTAG) Boundary Scan Logic
  • 144-Pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) (GGU Suffix)
  • 144-Pin Low-Profile Quad Flatpack (LQFP) (PGE Suffix)
  • 6.25-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (160 MIPS)
  • 8.33-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (120 MIPS)
  • 3.3-V I/O Supply Voltage (160 and 120 MIPS)
  • 1.6-V Core Supply Voltage (160 MIPS)
  • 1.5-V Core Supply Voltage (120 MIPS)

(1) The on-chip oscillator is not available on all 5409A devices. For applicable devices, see the TMS320VC5409A Digital Signal Processor Silicon Errata (literature number SPRZ186).
(2) IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard-Test-Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture.
NOTE: This data manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the TMS320C54x\x99 DSP Functional Overview (literature number SPRU307).
TMS320C54x, MicroStar BGA, C54x, TMS320C5000, C5000, TMS320 are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The TMS320VC5409A fixed-point, digital signal processor (DSP) (hereafter referred to as the 5409A unless otherwise specified) is based on an advanced modified Harvard architecture that has one program memory bus and three data memory buses. This processor provides an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) with a high degree of parallelism, application-specific hardware logic, on-chip memory, and additional on-chip peripherals. The basis of the operational flexibility and speed of this DSP is a highly specialized instruction set.

Separate program and data spaces allow simultaneous access to program instructions and data, providing a high degree of parallelism. Two read operations and one write operation can be performed in a single cycle. Instructions with parallel store and application-specific instructions can fully utilize this architecture. In addition, data can be transferred between data and program spaces. Such parallelism supports a powerful set of arithmetic, logic, and bit-manipulation operations that can all be performed in a single machine cycle. The 5409A also includes the control mechanisms to manage interrupts,

The TMS320VC5409A fixed-point, digital signal processor (DSP) (hereafter referred to as the 5409A unless otherwise specified) is based on an advanced modified Harvard architecture that has one program memory bus and three data memory buses. This processor provides an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) with a high degree of parallelism, application-specific hardware logic, on-chip memory, and additional on-chip peripherals. The basis of the operational flexibility and speed of this DSP is a highly specialized instruction set.

Separate program and data spaces allow simultaneous access to program instructions and data, providing a high degree of parallelism. Two read operations and one write operation can be performed in a single cycle. Instructions with parallel store and application-specific instructions can fully utilize this architecture. In addition, data can be transferred between data and program spaces. Such parallelism supports a powerful set of arithmetic, logic, and bit-manipulation operations that can all be performed in a single machine cycle. The 5409A also includes the control mechanisms to manage interrupts,

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TMS320VC5409A Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor datasheet (Rev. G) 13 Okt 2008
* Errata TMS320VC5409A MicroStar BGA Discontinued and Redesigned 21 Mai 2020
* Errata TMS320VC5409A DSP Silicon Errata (Rev. C) 09 Mai 2003
Application note TMS320VC5402A/VC5409A/VC5410A/VC5416 Bootloader (Rev. F) 27 Jun 2006
User guide TMS320C54x Chip Support Library API Reference Guide (Rev. D) 05 Mai 2003
User guide TMS320C54x DSP CPU and Peripherals Reference Set Volume 1 (Rev. G) 31 Mär 2001
User guide TMS320C54x DSP Algebraic Instruction Set Reference Set Volume 3 (Rev. C) 31 Jan 2001
User guide TMS320C54x DSP Mnemonic Instruction Set Reference Set Volume 2 (Rev. C) 31 Jan 2001
User guide TMS320C54x DSP Applications Guide Reference Set Volume 4 01 Okt 1996

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VC5409A GGU BSDL Model

SPRM067.ZIP (4 KB) - BSDL Model

VC5409A PGE BSDL Model

SPRM066.ZIP (4 KB) - BSDL Model
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
LQFP (PGE) 144 Ultra Librarian
NFBGA (GWS) 144 Ultra Librarian
NFBGA (ZWS) 144 Ultra Librarian

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