

高速桁上がり機能搭載、4 ビット、2 進全加算器

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Technology family S Bits (#) 4 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70
Technology family S Bits (#) 4 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70
PDIP (N) 16 181.42 mm² 19.3 x 9.4
  • Full-Carry Look-Ahead Across the Four Bits
  • Systems Achieve Partial Look-Ahead Performance with the Economy of Ripple Carry
  • Supply Voltage and Ground on Corner Pins to Simplify P-C Board Layout
  • Full-Carry Look-Ahead Across the Four Bits
  • Systems Achieve Partial Look-Ahead Performance with the Economy of Ripple Carry
  • Supply Voltage and Ground on Corner Pins to Simplify P-C Board Layout

The '283 and 'LS283 adders are electrically and functionally identical to the '83A and 'LS83A, respectively; only the arrangement of the terminals has been changed. The 'S283 high performance versions are also functionally identical.

These improved full adders perform the addition of two 4-bit binary words. The sum () outputs are provided for each bit and the resultant carry (C4) is obtained from the fourth bit. These adders feature full internal look-ahead across all four bits generating the carry term in ten nanoseconds, typically, for the '283 and 'LS283, and 7.5 nanoseconds for the 'S283. This capability provides the system designer with partial look-ahead performance at the economy and reduced package count of a ripple-carry implementation.

The adder logic, including the carry, is implemented in its true form. End around carry can be accomplished without the need for logic or level inversion.

Series 54, Series 54LS, and Series 54S circuits are characterized for operation over the full temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. Series 74, Series 74LS, and Series 74S circuits are characterized for 0°C to 70°C operation.

The '283 and 'LS283 adders are electrically and functionally identical to the '83A and 'LS83A, respectively; only the arrangement of the terminals has been changed. The 'S283 high performance versions are also functionally identical.

These improved full adders perform the addition of two 4-bit binary words. The sum () outputs are provided for each bit and the resultant carry (C4) is obtained from the fourth bit. These adders feature full internal look-ahead across all four bits generating the carry term in ten nanoseconds, typically, for the '283 and 'LS283, and 7.5 nanoseconds for the 'S283. This capability provides the system designer with partial look-ahead performance at the economy and reduced package count of a ripple-carry implementation.

The adder logic, including the carry, is implemented in its true form. End around carry can be accomplished without the need for logic or level inversion.

Series 54, Series 54LS, and Series 54S circuits are characterized for operation over the full temperature range of -55°C to 125°C. Series 74, Series 74LS, and Series 74S circuits are characterized for 0°C to 70°C operation.



open-in-new 代替品と比較
CD74HCT283 アクティブ ハイスピード CMOS ロジック、高速桁上がり機能搭載、4 ビット、2 進全加算器 Voltage range (4.5V to 5.5V), average drive strength (4mA), average propagation delay (22ns)
SN74AHCT86 アクティブ TTL 互換 CMOS 入力、4 チャネル、2 入力、4.5V ~ 5.5V XOR (排他 OR) ゲート Larger voltage range (2V to 5.5V), lower average drive strength (8mA)


star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
1 をすべて表示
種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート 4-Bit Binary Full Adders With Fast Carry データシート (Rev. A) 2001年 3月 8日


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点


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