This reference design details a headlight ECU using an interleaved boost in voltage regulation mode feeding four synchronous buck channels. This design is also capable of matrix headlight control and is mounted to a heatsink and enclosure to emulate an automotive headlight ECU. The TPS92682-Q1 is setup as a two phase interleaved boost controller set in voltage regulation mode capable of 130W output power. The boost output drives two TPS92520-Q1 dual channel synchronous buck drivers for a total of four buck channels at 120W total output. The design is mounted to a heatsink and enclosed to emulate an automotive headlight ECU. A MSP432 processor controls the TPS92682-Q1 and the two TPS92520-Q1 devices by the SPI interface. The MSP432 communicates to the master via CAN and also communicates to the lighting matrix module using UART communications via a CAN transceiver. Several bench-test results are available for this design including efficiency data, thermal measurements, pixel-controlled load data, and EMC measurements according to the CISPR 25 Class 5 conducted specification.
- Four synchronous monolithic buck channels capable of pixel controlled, dynamic LED loads
- Each buck channel capable of up to 1.5A/55W; Total ECU power output of 120W
- 9 to 24 V full power operating range, power de-rated down to 6V inputs
- Interleaved boost voltage with 130W output
- Full enclosure leveraging the top exposed pad of the buck for high power density and shielding
- Controllable via CAN interface
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