This reference design is a high-voltage analog input module with eight channels. Each channel can be used for both voltage and current measurement. The design uses 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ADS8681 that can handle input voltage of up to ±12.288 V. This make any preprocessing of standard input voltages in the industrial space unnecessary. In addition, four channels of the design are able to handle common-mode (CM) voltages of up to ±160 V. Therefore, the user does not need to worry about ground loops or compensation currents flowing between the connected inputs.
- High voltage inputs of up to ±12.288 V
- Voltage and current measurement for every channel
- 4 channels with common-mode of up to ±160 V
- -85-dB crosstalk rejection for adjacent channels
- 100-MOhm input impedance
- Surge transient immunity according to EN 61000-4-5 Class 2 (±1 kV, 24 A)