SPRADE3 January   2024 ADS8329 , LM5110 , LM5111 , LM5180 , LMR38010 , OPA182 , SM72482 , SN75372 , TMS320F28384D , TPS2811 , TPS2813 , UC1707-SP , UC1708 , UC1708-SP , UC1709-SP , UC1715-SP , UC2714 , UC3708 , UC3709 , UCC27323 , UCC27324 , UCC27324-Q1 , UCC27325 , UCC27423 , UCC27423-EP , UCC27423-Q1 , UCC27424 , UCC27424-EP , UCC27424-Q1 , UCC27425 , UCC27425-Q1 , UCC27444 , UCC27444-Q1 , UCC27523 , UCC27524 , UCC27524A , UCC27524A-Q1 , UCC27524A1-Q1 , UCC27525 , UCC27526 , UCC27527 , UCC27528 , UCC27528-Q1 , UCC27624 , UCC27624-Q1 , UCC37323 , UCC37324 , UCC37325 , UCD7201


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Magnet of the MRI
    2. 1.2 Key Challenge to Design a Power Supply to Driver Superconductor
  5. 2Four-Phase Interleaving Phase-Shifted Full Bridge Power Supply Design
  6. 3Sub-System Description
    1. 3.1 Micro-Controller
    2. 3.2 Auxiliary Power Supply
    3. 3.3 Current Sensing
    4. 3.4 ADC Interface
    5. 3.5 MOSFET Driver
  7. 4Summary
  8. 5References

Four-Phase Interleaving Phase-Shifted Full Bridge Power Supply Design

In generally, most designer potential to design the power supply to drive superconducting coils with a single PSFB circuit. but potential to meet challenges ahead said. To solve these challenges, this paper proposes a four-phase interleaving phase-shifted full bridge scheme as shown in Figure 2-1. As abstract clarify, this application notes mainly focus on controller system than power electronic topology.

Consider the basic specifications as the following:

  • Input voltage: DC48V to DC60V
  • Output voltage: 0 to 10V DC
  • Output current: up to 500A
  • Output current precision: 0.1%
  • Output current temperature drift: 10ppm max
  • Output current ripple and noise: less than 100mA

The benefit of 4-phase interleaving phase shifted full-bridge scheme is:

  • Low-capacity power MOSFET can be used which means relatively easy sourcing of components
  • Possibly reduced thermal issues because of lower current rate

Interleaving scheme reduces output buffer capacitor size and capacity because of four times increase in the switching frequency.

GUID-20231214-SS0I-8J7B-RFXN-0N8VSQL9LLV8-low.svg Figure 2-1 Phase Interleaving Phase Shifted Full-Bridge Power Supply Block Figure