

Ultra-Low-Power integrierte AFE für tragbare optische, elektrische Biosensorik


Applications 1-lead ECG, Optical-HRM Number of input channels 3 Resolution (Bits) 22 Number of LEDs 4 Interface type I2C, SPI Operating temperature range (°C) -20 to 70 Rating Catalog
Applications 1-lead ECG, Optical-HRM Number of input channels 3 Resolution (Bits) 22 Number of LEDs 4 Interface type I2C, SPI Operating temperature range (°C) -20 to 70 Rating Catalog
DSBGA (YZ) 30 4.8 mm² 2.4 x 2
  • Synchronized PPG, ECG signal acquisition at data rates up to 1 kHz
  • ECG signal chain:
    • Standalone ECG acquisition up to 4 kHz
    • Input bias: 1-lead ECG with RLD bias
    • Programmable INA gain: 2.15 to 12.92
    • Input noise (1 Hz to 150 Hz): 2.5 µVrms at 1 kHz, 1.25 µVrms at 4-kHz data rate
    • AC, DC lead-off detect: 12.5-nA to 100-nA
    • IEC 60601 Test report available on request
  • PPG receiver:
    • Supports three time-multiplexed PD inputs
    • 24-Bit representation of current from PD
    • DC offset subtraction DAC (Up to ±126-µA) at TIA input for each LED, ambient
    • Digital ambient subtraction at ADC output
    • Noise filtering with programmable bandwidth
    • Transimpedance gain: 10 kΩ to 2 MΩ
    • Dynamic range up to 100 dB
    • Receiver operates in PPG-only mode at approximately 1-µA/Hz sampling rate
    • Power-down mode: approximately 0 µA
  • PPG transmitter:
    • Four LEDs in common anode configuration
    • 8-Bit LED current up to 200 mA
    • Mode to fire two LEDs in parallel
    • Programmable LED on-time
    • Simultaneous support of three LEDs for SpO2, or multiwavelength HRM
    • Average current of 30 µA adequate for a
      typical heart-rate monitoring scenario:
      • 20-mA Setting, 60-µs pulse duration,
        25-Hz sampling rate
  • Clocking using an external or internal clock
  • FIFO with 128-sample depth for ECG and PPG
  • I2C, SPI interfaces: selectable by pin
  • 2.6-mm × 2.1-mm, 0.4-mm Pitch DSBGA package
  • Supplies:
    • Rx: 1.8 V to 1.9 V (LDO bypass),
      2.0 V to 3.6 V (LDO enabled)
    • Tx: 3 V to 5.25 V
    • IO: 1.7 V to Rx_SUP
  • Synchronized PPG, ECG signal acquisition at data rates up to 1 kHz
  • ECG signal chain:
    • Standalone ECG acquisition up to 4 kHz
    • Input bias: 1-lead ECG with RLD bias
    • Programmable INA gain: 2.15 to 12.92
    • Input noise (1 Hz to 150 Hz): 2.5 µVrms at 1 kHz, 1.25 µVrms at 4-kHz data rate
    • AC, DC lead-off detect: 12.5-nA to 100-nA
    • IEC 60601 Test report available on request
  • PPG receiver:
    • Supports three time-multiplexed PD inputs
    • 24-Bit representation of current from PD
    • DC offset subtraction DAC (Up to ±126-µA) at TIA input for each LED, ambient
    • Digital ambient subtraction at ADC output
    • Noise filtering with programmable bandwidth
    • Transimpedance gain: 10 kΩ to 2 MΩ
    • Dynamic range up to 100 dB
    • Receiver operates in PPG-only mode at approximately 1-µA/Hz sampling rate
    • Power-down mode: approximately 0 µA
  • PPG transmitter:
    • Four LEDs in common anode configuration
    • 8-Bit LED current up to 200 mA
    • Mode to fire two LEDs in parallel
    • Programmable LED on-time
    • Simultaneous support of three LEDs for SpO2, or multiwavelength HRM
    • Average current of 30 µA adequate for a
      typical heart-rate monitoring scenario:
      • 20-mA Setting, 60-µs pulse duration,
        25-Hz sampling rate
  • Clocking using an external or internal clock
  • FIFO with 128-sample depth for ECG and PPG
  • I2C, SPI interfaces: selectable by pin
  • 2.6-mm × 2.1-mm, 0.4-mm Pitch DSBGA package
  • Supplies:
    • Rx: 1.8 V to 1.9 V (LDO bypass),
      2.0 V to 3.6 V (LDO enabled)
    • Tx: 3 V to 5.25 V
    • IO: 1.7 V to Rx_SUP

The AFE4900 device is an analog front-end (AFE) for synchronized electrocardiogram (ECG), photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal acquisition. The device can also be used for optical bio-sensing applications, such as heart-rate monitoring (HRM) and saturation of peripheral capillary oxygen (SpO2). The PPG signal chain supports up to four switching light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and up to three photodiodes (PDs). The LEDs can be switched on using a fully integrated LED driver. The current from the photodiode is converted into voltage by the transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and digitized using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The ECG signal chain has an instrumentation amplifier (INA) with a programmable gain that interfaces to the same ADC. A right-leg drive (RLD) amplifier set can be used to the bias for the ECG input pins. AC and dc lead-off detect schemes are supported. The ADC codes from the PPG and ECG phases can be stored in a 128-sample first in, first out (FIFO) block and read out using either an I2C or a serial programming interface (SPI) interface.

The AFE4900 device is an analog front-end (AFE) for synchronized electrocardiogram (ECG), photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal acquisition. The device can also be used for optical bio-sensing applications, such as heart-rate monitoring (HRM) and saturation of peripheral capillary oxygen (SpO2). The PPG signal chain supports up to four switching light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and up to three photodiodes (PDs). The LEDs can be switched on using a fully integrated LED driver. The current from the photodiode is converted into voltage by the transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and digitized using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The ECG signal chain has an instrumentation amplifier (INA) with a programmable gain that interfaces to the same ADC. A right-leg drive (RLD) amplifier set can be used to the bias for the ECG input pins. AC and dc lead-off detect schemes are supported. The ADC codes from the PPG and ECG phases can be stored in a 128-sample first in, first out (FIFO) block and read out using either an I2C or a serial programming interface (SPI) interface.

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* Data sheet AFE4900 Ultra-low Power, Integrated AFE for Wearable Optical, Electrical Bio-sensing with FIFO datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 30 Jul 2019

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
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  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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