

Class-D-Audioverstärker mit PWM-Eingang, 125 W Stereo, 250 W Mono, 12 bis 34 V Versorgungsspannung m


Audio input type PWM Architecture Class-D Speaker channels (max) 4 Rating Catalog Power stage supply (max) (V) 34 Power stage supply (min) (V) 12 Load (min) (Ω) 1.5 Output power (W) 125 SNR (dB) 105 THD + N at 1 kHz (%) 0.025 Iq (typ) (mA) 23.4 Control interface Hardware Closed/open loop Closed Analog supply (min) (V) 13.2 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 10.8 PSRR (dB) 65 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Audio input type PWM Architecture Class-D Speaker channels (max) 4 Rating Catalog Power stage supply (max) (V) 34 Power stage supply (min) (V) 12 Load (min) (Ω) 1.5 Output power (W) 125 SNR (dB) 105 THD + N at 1 kHz (%) 0.025 Iq (typ) (mA) 23.4 Control interface Hardware Closed/open loop Closed Analog supply (min) (V) 13.2 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 10.8 PSRR (dB) 65 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
HTSSOP (DDV) 44 113.4 mm² 14 x 8.1
  • PurePath HD Integrated Feedback Provides:
    • 0.025% THD at 1 W into 4 Ω
    • > 65-dB PSRR (No Input Signal)
    • > 105 dB (A weighted) SNR
  • Preclipping Output for Control of a Class-G Power
  • Reduced Heat Sink Size Due to Use of 40mΩ
    Output MOSFET With > 90% Efficiency at Full
    Output Power
  • Output Power at 10%THD+N
    • 125-W and 4-Ω BTL Stereo Configuration
    • 250-W and 2-Ω PBTL Mono Configuration
  • Output Power at 1%THD+N
    • 105-W and 4-Ω BTL Stereo Configuration
    • 210-W and 2-Ω PBTL Mono Configuration
  • Click and Pop Free Start-up
  • Error Reporting Self-Protected Design With UVP,
    Overtemperature, and Short-Circuit Protection
  • EMI Compliant When Used With Recommended
    System Design
  • 44-Pin HTSSOP (DDV) Package for Reduced
    Board Size
  • PurePath HD Integrated Feedback Provides:
    • 0.025% THD at 1 W into 4 Ω
    • > 65-dB PSRR (No Input Signal)
    • > 105 dB (A weighted) SNR
  • Preclipping Output for Control of a Class-G Power
  • Reduced Heat Sink Size Due to Use of 40mΩ
    Output MOSFET With > 90% Efficiency at Full
    Output Power
  • Output Power at 10%THD+N
    • 125-W and 4-Ω BTL Stereo Configuration
    • 250-W and 2-Ω PBTL Mono Configuration
  • Output Power at 1%THD+N
    • 105-W and 4-Ω BTL Stereo Configuration
    • 210-W and 2-Ω PBTL Mono Configuration
  • Click and Pop Free Start-up
  • Error Reporting Self-Protected Design With UVP,
    Overtemperature, and Short-Circuit Protection
  • EMI Compliant When Used With Recommended
    System Design
  • 44-Pin HTSSOP (DDV) Package for Reduced
    Board Size

The TAS5622A device is a thermally enhanced version of the class-D power amplifier based on the TAS5612A using large MOSFETs for improved power efficiency and a novel gate drive scheme for reduced losses in idle and at low output signals leading to reduced heat sink size.

The unique preclipping output signal can be used to control a class-G power supply. This combined with the low idle loss and high power efficiency of the TAS5622A leads to industry-leading levels of efficiency ensuring a super "green" system.

The TAS5622A uses constant voltage gain. The internally matched gain resistors ensure a high Power Supply Rejection Ratio giving an output voltage only dependent on the audio input voltage and free from any power supply artifacts.

The high integration of the TAS5622A makes the amplifier easy to use; and, using TI’s reference schematics and PCB layouts leads to fast design in time. The TAS5622A is available in the space-saving, surface-mount, 44-pin HTSSOP package.

The TAS5622A device is a thermally enhanced version of the class-D power amplifier based on the TAS5612A using large MOSFETs for improved power efficiency and a novel gate drive scheme for reduced losses in idle and at low output signals leading to reduced heat sink size.

The unique preclipping output signal can be used to control a class-G power supply. This combined with the low idle loss and high power efficiency of the TAS5622A leads to industry-leading levels of efficiency ensuring a super "green" system.

The TAS5622A uses constant voltage gain. The internally matched gain resistors ensure a high Power Supply Rejection Ratio giving an output voltage only dependent on the audio input voltage and free from any power supply artifacts.

The high integration of the TAS5622A makes the amplifier easy to use; and, using TI’s reference schematics and PCB layouts leads to fast design in time. The TAS5622A is available in the space-saving, surface-mount, 44-pin HTSSOP package.

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Hochauflösender Klasse-D-Verstärker der nächsten Generation (Analog-Eingang) verfügbar

Echte Ultra-HD-Klangqualität mit niedrigem THD+N <0,005 % und einer Bandbreite von bis zu 100 kHz.

Für Ausgangspegel bis zu 115 W Stereo/230 W Mono: TPA3245

Für Ausgangspegel bis zu 175 W Stereo/350 W Mono: TPA3251

Technische Dokumentation

star =Von TI ausgewählte Top-Empfehlungen für dieses Produkt
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Alle anzeigen 6
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TAS5622A 125-W Stereo and 250-W Stereo PurePath™ HD Digital-Input Class-D Power Stage datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 31 Mär 2015
Application note Guidelines for Measuring Audio Power Amplifier Performance (Rev. A) 26 Aug 2019
Application note AN-1849 An Audio Amplifier Power Supply Design (Rev. C) 27 Jun 2019
User guide TAS5622-TAS5624DDVEVM (Rev. A) 08 Mai 2014
Application note AN-1737 Managing EMI in Class D Audio Applications (Rev. A) 01 Mai 2013
Application note Power Rating in Audio Amplifier (Rev. A) 04 Mär 2005

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Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
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  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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