

Class-D-Audioverstärker mit Digitaleingang, 23 W Stereo, 45 W Mono, 4,5 bis 26,4 V mit Verarbeitungs

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Audio input type Digital Input Architecture Class-D Speaker channels (max) Stereo Rating Catalog Power stage supply (max) (V) 26.4 Power stage supply (min) (V) 4.5 Load (min) (Ω) 4 Output power (W) 23 SNR (dB) 107 THD + N at 1 kHz (%) 0.03 Iq (typ) (mA) 16.5 Control interface I2C Closed/open loop Closed Analog supply (min) (V) 4.5 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 26.4 Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 96 PSRR (dB) 72 Operating temperature range (°C) -25 to 85
Audio input type Digital Input Architecture Class-D Speaker channels (max) Stereo Rating Catalog Power stage supply (max) (V) 26.4 Power stage supply (min) (V) 4.5 Load (min) (Ω) 4 Output power (W) 23 SNR (dB) 107 THD + N at 1 kHz (%) 0.03 Iq (typ) (mA) 16.5 Control interface I2C Closed/open loop Closed Analog supply (min) (V) 4.5 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 26.4 Sampling rate (max) (kHz) 96 PSRR (dB) 72 Operating temperature range (°C) -25 to 85
HTSSOP (DCP) 38 62.08 mm² 9.7 x 6.4
  • Supports multiple output configurations
    • 2 × 23 W in 2.0 mode (8-Ω, 21 V, THD+N=1%)
    • 45 W in mono mode (4-Ω, 21 V, THD+N=1%)
  • Excellent audio performance
    • THD+N ≤ 0.03% at 1 W, 1 kHz, PVDD = 12 V
    • SNR ≥ 107 dB (A-weighted), noise level < 40 µVRMS
  • Low quiescent current with hybrid modulation
    • 16.5 mA at PVDD = 13.5 V , 22 µH + 0.68 µF filter
  • Flexible power supply configurations
    • PVDD: 4.5 V to 26.4 V
    • DVDD and I/O: 1.8 V or 3.3 V
  • Flexible audio I/O
    • I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM, 3-wire digital audio interface (no MCLK required)
    • Supports 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz sample rates
    • SDOUT for audio monitoring, sub-channel or echo cancellation
  • Enhanced audio processing
    • Multi-band advanced DRC and AGL
    • 2×15 BQs, thermal foldback, DC blocking
    • Input mixer, output crossbar, level meter
    • 5 BQs + 1 band DRC +THD manager for the subwoofer channel
  • Integrated self-protection
    • Adjacent pin-to-pin short without device damage
    • Over-current error (OCE)
    • Over-temperature warning (OTW)
    • Over-temperature error (OTE)
    • Under or Over-Voltage Lock-out (UVLO/OVLO)
  • Easy system integration
    • I2C software control
    • Reduced solution size
      • Fewer passives required compared to open-loop devices
      • Inductor-less operation (ferrite bead) for most cases where PVDD ≤ 14V
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with TAS5806MD
  • Supports multiple output configurations
    • 2 × 23 W in 2.0 mode (8-Ω, 21 V, THD+N=1%)
    • 45 W in mono mode (4-Ω, 21 V, THD+N=1%)
  • Excellent audio performance
    • THD+N ≤ 0.03% at 1 W, 1 kHz, PVDD = 12 V
    • SNR ≥ 107 dB (A-weighted), noise level < 40 µVRMS
  • Low quiescent current with hybrid modulation
    • 16.5 mA at PVDD = 13.5 V , 22 µH + 0.68 µF filter
  • Flexible power supply configurations
    • PVDD: 4.5 V to 26.4 V
    • DVDD and I/O: 1.8 V or 3.3 V
  • Flexible audio I/O
    • I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM, 3-wire digital audio interface (no MCLK required)
    • Supports 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz sample rates
    • SDOUT for audio monitoring, sub-channel or echo cancellation
  • Enhanced audio processing
    • Multi-band advanced DRC and AGL
    • 2×15 BQs, thermal foldback, DC blocking
    • Input mixer, output crossbar, level meter
    • 5 BQs + 1 band DRC +THD manager for the subwoofer channel
  • Integrated self-protection
    • Adjacent pin-to-pin short without device damage
    • Over-current error (OCE)
    • Over-temperature warning (OTW)
    • Over-temperature error (OTE)
    • Under or Over-Voltage Lock-out (UVLO/OVLO)
  • Easy system integration
    • I2C software control
    • Reduced solution size
      • Fewer passives required compared to open-loop devices
      • Inductor-less operation (ferrite bead) for most cases where PVDD ≤ 14V
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with TAS5806MD

The TAS5806M is a high-efficiency, stereo, closed-loop Class-D amplifier offering a cost-effective digital input solution with low power dissipation and sound enrichment. The device’s integrated audio processor and 96 kHz architecture support advanced audio process flow, including SRC, 15 BQs per channel, volume control, audio mixing, 3-band 4th order DRC, full-band AGL, THD manager and level meter.

Featuring the TI proprietary Hybrid Modulation scheme, the TAS5806M consumes low quiescent current (16.5 mA at 13.5 V PVDD), extending battery life in portable audio applications. With advanced EMI suppression technology, for applications under 10 W designers can leverage inexpensive ferrite bead filters to reduce board space and system cost.

The TAS5806M is a high-efficiency, stereo, closed-loop Class-D amplifier offering a cost-effective digital input solution with low power dissipation and sound enrichment. The device’s integrated audio processor and 96 kHz architecture support advanced audio process flow, including SRC, 15 BQs per channel, volume control, audio mixing, 3-band 4th order DRC, full-band AGL, THD manager and level meter.

Featuring the TI proprietary Hybrid Modulation scheme, the TAS5806M consumes low quiescent current (16.5 mA at 13.5 V PVDD), extending battery life in portable audio applications. With advanced EMI suppression technology, for applications under 10 W designers can leverage inexpensive ferrite bead filters to reduce board space and system cost.

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* Data sheet TAS5806M 23-W, Inductor-Less, Digital Input, Stereo, Closed-Loop Class-D Audio Amplifier with Enhanced Processing and Low Power Dissipation datasheet PDF | HTML 29 Mär 2018
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