
Audio input type Analog Input Architecture Class-D Speaker channels (max) Stereo Rating Catalog Power stage supply (max) (V) 18 Power stage supply (min) (V) 8.5 Load (min) (Ω) 8 Output power (W) 6 SNR (dB) 97 THD + N at 1 kHz (%) 0.1 Iq (typ) (mA) 11 Control interface Hardware Closed/open loop Open Analog supply (min) (V) 8.5 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 18 PSRR (dB) 80 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Audio input type Analog Input Architecture Class-D Speaker channels (max) Stereo Rating Catalog Power stage supply (max) (V) 18 Power stage supply (min) (V) 8.5 Load (min) (Ω) 8 Output power (W) 6 SNR (dB) 97 THD + N at 1 kHz (%) 0.1 Iq (typ) (mA) 11 Control interface Hardware Closed/open loop Open Analog supply (min) (V) 8.5 Analog supply voltage (max) (V) 18 PSRR (dB) 80 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
HTQFP (PHP) 48 81 mm² 9 x 9
  • 6-W/Ch Into an 8- Load From a 12-V Supply
  • Up to 92% Efficient, Class-D Operation
    Eliminates Need For Heatsinks
  • 8.5-V to 18-V Single-Supply Operation
  • Four Selectable, Fixed Gain Settings
  • Differential Inputs Minimizes Common-Mode Noise
  • Space-Saving, Thermally Enhanced PowerPAD™ Packaging
  • Thermal Protection and Short Circuit
  • Pinout Similar to TPA3002D2, TPA3003D2,
    and TPA3004D2
    • LCD Monitors and TVs
    • All-In-One PCs

PowerPAD Is a trademark of Texas Instruments

  • 6-W/Ch Into an 8- Load From a 12-V Supply
  • Up to 92% Efficient, Class-D Operation
    Eliminates Need For Heatsinks
  • 8.5-V to 18-V Single-Supply Operation
  • Four Selectable, Fixed Gain Settings
  • Differential Inputs Minimizes Common-Mode Noise
  • Space-Saving, Thermally Enhanced PowerPAD™ Packaging
  • Thermal Protection and Short Circuit
  • Pinout Similar to TPA3002D2, TPA3003D2,
    and TPA3004D2
    • LCD Monitors and TVs
    • All-In-One PCs

PowerPAD Is a trademark of Texas Instruments

The TPA3005D2 is a 6-W (per channel) efficient, Class-D audio amplifier for driving bridged-tied stereo speakers. The TPA3005D2 can drive stereo speakers as low as 8 . The high efficiency of the TPA3005D2 eliminates the need for external heatsinks when playing music.

The gain of the amplifier is controlled by two gain select pins. The gain selections are 15.3, 21.2, 27.2, and 31.8 dB.

The outputs are fully protected against shorts to GND, VCC, and output-to-output shorts. Thermal protection ensures the maximum junction temperature is not exceeded.

The TPA3005D2 is a 6-W (per channel) efficient, Class-D audio amplifier for driving bridged-tied stereo speakers. The TPA3005D2 can drive stereo speakers as low as 8 . The high efficiency of the TPA3005D2 eliminates the need for external heatsinks when playing music.

The gain of the amplifier is controlled by two gain select pins. The gain selections are 15.3, 21.2, 27.2, and 31.8 dB.

The outputs are fully protected against shorts to GND, VCC, and output-to-output shorts. Thermal protection ensures the maximum junction temperature is not exceeded.

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Next Generation 6-W, Stereo, Analog Input Class-D Audio Amplifier:  TPA3113D2

Next Generation Low-EMI 6-W, Stereo, Analog Input Class-D Audio Amplifier:  TPA3137D2

Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 6
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPA3005D2: 6-W Stereo Class-D Audio Power Amplifier datasheet (Rev. A) 19 Aug 2010
Application note Using Thermal Calculation Tools for Analog Components (Rev. A) 30 Aug 2019
Application note Guidelines for Measuring Audio Power Amplifier Performance (Rev. A) 26 Aug 2019
Application note AN-1849 An Audio Amplifier Power Supply Design (Rev. C) 27 Jun 2019
Application note AN-1737 Managing EMI in Class D Audio Applications (Rev. A) 01 Mai 2013
EVM User's guide TPA3005D2EVM - User Guide 07 Mai 2004

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HTQFP (PHP) 48 Ultra Librarian

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