

公称 12V、3A ピーク、センサ付き正弦波または矩形波制御 3 相 BLDC モーター・ドライバ

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MCT8315Z アクティブ 最大 40V、4A ピーク、センサ付き、台形波制御、3 相 BLDC モーター ドライバ New generation device with higher voltage and current capabilities


Rating Catalog Architecture Integrated FET Control topology Sensored, Sinusoidal, Trapezoidal Control interface 1xPWM Vs (min) (V) 5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 20 Features Adaptive Drive Angle Adjustment (ADAA), Hall Element Comparators, Integrated FETs, Integrated Motor Control, Tach/FG Feedback Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Rating Catalog Architecture Integrated FET Control topology Sensored, Sinusoidal, Trapezoidal Control interface 1xPWM Vs (min) (V) 5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 20 Features Adaptive Drive Angle Adjustment (ADAA), Hall Element Comparators, Integrated FETs, Integrated Motor Control, Tach/FG Feedback Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
HTSSOP (PWP) 24 49.92 mm² 7.8 x 6.4
  • Wide Power Supply Voltage Range: 5 to 18 V
  • Integrated FETs: 1-A RMS, 1.5-A Peak Output
    Phase/Winding Current
  • Total Driver H + L RDSON: 400 mΩ
  • Embedded 180° Sine-Wave and Trapezoidal
  • Ultra-Low Power Consumption in Sleep Mode
    (35 µA)
  • Adaptive Drive Angle Adjustment
  • Three or Single Hall Sensor Option to Minimize
    System Cost
  • Motor Spin Direction Control
  • Configurable for 30° Hall Placement or 0° Hall
  • Adjustable Retry Timing after Motor Lock
  • Programmable Current-Limit Function
  • Tachometer – Motor Speed Information on Open-
    Drain FG Pin
  • Motor Lock Report on Open-Drain RD Pin
  • Protection Features
    • Supply (VM) Undervoltage Lockout
    • Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit
    • Overcurrent Protection (OCP)
    • Thermal Shutdown
    • Motor Lock Detect and Report
  • Wide Power Supply Voltage Range: 5 to 18 V
  • Integrated FETs: 1-A RMS, 1.5-A Peak Output
    Phase/Winding Current
  • Total Driver H + L RDSON: 400 mΩ
  • Embedded 180° Sine-Wave and Trapezoidal
  • Ultra-Low Power Consumption in Sleep Mode
    (35 µA)
  • Adaptive Drive Angle Adjustment
  • Three or Single Hall Sensor Option to Minimize
    System Cost
  • Motor Spin Direction Control
  • Configurable for 30° Hall Placement or 0° Hall
  • Adjustable Retry Timing after Motor Lock
  • Programmable Current-Limit Function
  • Tachometer – Motor Speed Information on Open-
    Drain FG Pin
  • Motor Lock Report on Open-Drain RD Pin
  • Protection Features
    • Supply (VM) Undervoltage Lockout
    • Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit
    • Overcurrent Protection (OCP)
    • Thermal Shutdown
    • Motor Lock Detect and Report

The DRV10970 is an integrated three-phase BLDC motor driver for home appliance, cooling fans, and other general-purpose motor control applications. The embedded intelligence, small form factor, and simple pinout structure reduce the design complexity, board space, and system cost. The integrated protections improve the system robustness and reliability.

The output stage of DRV10970 consists of three half-bridges with RDSON of 400 mΩ (H + L). Each half-bridge is capable of driving up to 1-A RMS and 1.5-A peak output current. When the device enters sleep mode, it consumes typical 35 µA of current.

The advanced 180° sine-wave commutation algorithm is embedded into the device and achieves high efficiency, low torque ripple, and superior acoustic performance. The adaptive driving angle adjustment function achieves the most optimized efficiency regardless of the motor parameters and load conditions.

The DRV10970 is designed for either differential or single-ended Hall sensor based applications. The differential Hall signal inputs are detected by the integrated comparators. The device supports three Hall and single Hall based applications; the single Hall sensor mode reduces the system cost by eliminating two Hall sensors.

The device implements a standard control interface which includes PWM input (speed command), FG output (speed feedback), FR input (forward and reverse direction control), and RD output (motor lock indicator).

The DRV10970 device supports both 30° and 0° Hall placements (with respect to the corresponding phase BEMF). The device implements trapezoidal drive mode to address higher power requirement.

The DRV10970 device determines the rotor lock condition based on the absence of Hall input switching. The device will try again to spin the motor after an adjustable auto-retry time which can be configured by a capacitor connected to the RETRY pin.

The device incorporates multiple protection features: overcurrent, undervoltage, overtemperature, and locked rotor conditions to improve the system robustness.

The DRV10970 is packaged in a thermally-enhanced 24-pin TSSOP package (eco-friendly: RoHS and no Sb/Br).

The DRV10970 is an integrated three-phase BLDC motor driver for home appliance, cooling fans, and other general-purpose motor control applications. The embedded intelligence, small form factor, and simple pinout structure reduce the design complexity, board space, and system cost. The integrated protections improve the system robustness and reliability.

The output stage of DRV10970 consists of three half-bridges with RDSON of 400 mΩ (H + L). Each half-bridge is capable of driving up to 1-A RMS and 1.5-A peak output current. When the device enters sleep mode, it consumes typical 35 µA of current.

The advanced 180° sine-wave commutation algorithm is embedded into the device and achieves high efficiency, low torque ripple, and superior acoustic performance. The adaptive driving angle adjustment function achieves the most optimized efficiency regardless of the motor parameters and load conditions.

The DRV10970 is designed for either differential or single-ended Hall sensor based applications. The differential Hall signal inputs are detected by the integrated comparators. The device supports three Hall and single Hall based applications; the single Hall sensor mode reduces the system cost by eliminating two Hall sensors.

The device implements a standard control interface which includes PWM input (speed command), FG output (speed feedback), FR input (forward and reverse direction control), and RD output (motor lock indicator).

The DRV10970 device supports both 30° and 0° Hall placements (with respect to the corresponding phase BEMF). The device implements trapezoidal drive mode to address higher power requirement.

The DRV10970 device determines the rotor lock condition based on the absence of Hall input switching. The device will try again to spin the motor after an adjustable auto-retry time which can be configured by a capacitor connected to the RETRY pin.

The device incorporates multiple protection features: overcurrent, undervoltage, overtemperature, and locked rotor conditions to improve the system robustness.

The DRV10970 is packaged in a thermally-enhanced 24-pin TSSOP package (eco-friendly: RoHS and no Sb/Br).

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open-in-new 代替品と比較
MCT8316Z アクティブ 最大 40V、8A ピーク、センサ付き、台形波制御、3 相 BLDC モーター ドライバ Features trapezoidal control, lower Rdson, adjustable slew rate, and integrated buck and CSAs


star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
6 をすべて表示
種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート DRV10970 Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Driver データシート (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2016年 3月 10日
アプリケーション・ノート モーター・ドライバ向け基板レイアウト事例 (Rev. B 翻訳版) PDF | HTML 英語版 (Rev.B) PDF | HTML 2021年 10月 14日
ホワイト・ペーパー Replacing single-phase ACIMs with three-phase BLDC motors saves energy 2016年 4月 14日
アプリケーション・ノート Adaptive Drive Angle Adjust 2016年 4月 4日
EVM ユーザー ガイド (英語) DRV10970 EVM User's Guide 2016年 3月 7日
アプリケーション・ノート Single Versus Three Hall Sensor Configuration 2016年 3月 7日




DRV10970EVM — DRV 10970 3 相ブラシレス・モーター・ドライバの評価モジュール

The  DRV10970EVM evaluation module (EVM) serves as a user-friendly evaluation kit to demonstrate TI's brushless motor driver DRV10970. The EVM is a high-performance, power-efficient, cost-effective platform that speeds development for quicker time to market. The DRV10970EVM supports single (...)
ユーザー ガイド: PDF

TIDA-00919 — 高効率駆動を実現する片面実装冷蔵庫ファンのリファレンス・デザイン

このリファレンス・デザインは、最大電流 1A RMS、最大電圧 18V の仕様を満たすセンサ付き BLDC ファン・モーターに適した、小型フォーム・ファクタ、優れたコスト効率、片面実装、3 相の正弦波モーター・ドライブです。独自の片面設計は、システム・コストの低減に貢献します。オンボードのホール・センサは、モーター自体の内部にボードを取り付けるのに役立ちます。また、このリファレンス・デザインはコスト最適化をさらに推進するシングル・ホール動作、 アダプティブ・ドライブ角度調整を行いシステム効率と総合性能を向上する正弦波ドライブ、速度制御を容易にする外部 (...)
設計ガイド: PDF
回路図: PDF
パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
HTSSOP (PWP) 24 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点


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