
Frequency range 13.56 MHz Standard ISO 15693, ISO 18000-3 Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Rating Catalog Transmission principle FDX - ASK, FSK
Frequency range 13.56 MHz Standard ISO 15693, ISO 18000-3 Operating temperature range (°C) 0 to 70 Rating Catalog Transmission principle FDX - ASK, FSK
VQFN (RGE) 24 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • ISO/IEC 15693, ISO/IEC 18000-3 (Mode 1) Compliant RF Interface
  • Power Supply System With Either Battery or 13.56-MHz H-Field Supply
  • 14-Bit Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Internal Temperature Sensor
  • Resistive Sensor Bias Interface
  • CRC16 CCITT Generator
  • MSP430 Mixed-Signal Microcontroller
    • 2KB of FRAM
    • 4KB of SRAM
    • 8KB of ROM
    • Supply Voltage Range: 1.45 V to 1.65 V
    • Low Power Consumption
      • Active Mode (AM): 140 µA/MHz (1.5 V)
      • Standby Mode (LPM3): 16 µA
    • 16-Bit RISC Architecture
    • Up to 2-MHz CPU System Clock
    • Compact Clock System
      • 4-MHz High-Frequency Clock
      • 256-kHz Internal Low-Frequency Clock Source
      • External Clock Input
    • 16-Bit Timer_A With Three Capture/Compare Registers
    • LV Port Logic
      • VOL Lower Than 0.15 V at 400 µA
      • VOH Higher Than (VDDB – 0.15 V) at 400 µA
      • Timer_A PWM Signal Available on All Ports
    • eUSCI_B Module Supports 3-Wire and 4-Wire SPI and I2C
    • 32-Bit Watchdog Timer (WDT_A)
    • ROM Development Mode (Map ROM Addresses to SRAM to Enable Firmware Development)
    • Full 4-Wire JTAG Debug Interface
  • For Complete Module Descriptions, See the RF430FRL15xH Family Technical Reference Manual (SLAU506)
  • For Application Operation and Programming, See the RF430FRL15xH Firmware User's Guide (SLAU603)
  • ISO/IEC 15693, ISO/IEC 18000-3 (Mode 1) Compliant RF Interface
  • Power Supply System With Either Battery or 13.56-MHz H-Field Supply
  • 14-Bit Sigma-Delta Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
  • Internal Temperature Sensor
  • Resistive Sensor Bias Interface
  • CRC16 CCITT Generator
  • MSP430 Mixed-Signal Microcontroller
    • 2KB of FRAM
    • 4KB of SRAM
    • 8KB of ROM
    • Supply Voltage Range: 1.45 V to 1.65 V
    • Low Power Consumption
      • Active Mode (AM): 140 µA/MHz (1.5 V)
      • Standby Mode (LPM3): 16 µA
    • 16-Bit RISC Architecture
    • Up to 2-MHz CPU System Clock
    • Compact Clock System
      • 4-MHz High-Frequency Clock
      • 256-kHz Internal Low-Frequency Clock Source
      • External Clock Input
    • 16-Bit Timer_A With Three Capture/Compare Registers
    • LV Port Logic
      • VOL Lower Than 0.15 V at 400 µA
      • VOH Higher Than (VDDB – 0.15 V) at 400 µA
      • Timer_A PWM Signal Available on All Ports
    • eUSCI_B Module Supports 3-Wire and 4-Wire SPI and I2C
    • 32-Bit Watchdog Timer (WDT_A)
    • ROM Development Mode (Map ROM Addresses to SRAM to Enable Firmware Development)
    • Full 4-Wire JTAG Debug Interface
  • For Complete Module Descriptions, See the RF430FRL15xH Family Technical Reference Manual (SLAU506)
  • For Application Operation and Programming, See the RF430FRL15xH Firmware User's Guide (SLAU603)

The RF430FRL15xH device is a 13.56-MHz transponder chip with a programmable 16-bit MSP430 low-power microcontroller. The device features embedded universal FRAM nonvolatile memory for storage of program code or user data such as calibration and measurement data. The RF430FRL15xH supports communication, parameter setting, and configuration through the ISO/IEC 15693, ISO/IEC 18000-3 compliant RFID interface and the SPI or I2C interface. Sensor measurements are supported by the internal temperature sensor and the onboard 14-bit sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and digital sensors can be connected through SPI or I2C.

The RF430FRL15xH device is optimized for operation in fully passive (battery-less) or single-cell battery-powered (semi-active) mode to achieve extended battery life in portable and wireless sensing applications. FRAM is a nonvolatile memory that combines the speed, flexibility, and endurance of SRAM with the stability and reliability of flash, all at lower total power consumption.

The RF430FRL15xH device is a 13.56-MHz transponder chip with a programmable 16-bit MSP430 low-power microcontroller. The device features embedded universal FRAM nonvolatile memory for storage of program code or user data such as calibration and measurement data. The RF430FRL15xH supports communication, parameter setting, and configuration through the ISO/IEC 15693, ISO/IEC 18000-3 compliant RFID interface and the SPI or I2C interface. Sensor measurements are supported by the internal temperature sensor and the onboard 14-bit sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and digital sensors can be connected through SPI or I2C.

The RF430FRL15xH device is optimized for operation in fully passive (battery-less) or single-cell battery-powered (semi-active) mode to achieve extended battery life in portable and wireless sensing applications. FRAM is a nonvolatile memory that combines the speed, flexibility, and endurance of SRAM with the stability and reliability of flash, all at lower total power consumption.

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
RF430FRL152H 現行 具 SPI/I2C 介面和 14 位元 Sigma-Delta ADC 的 NFC ISO15693 感測器轉發器 This product enables connection for both analog and digital sensors.
RF430FRL154H 現行 具 SPI/I2C 介面的 NFC ISO15693 感測器轉發器 This product provides connection for digital sensors only.


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 12
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet RF430FRL15xH NFC ISO 15693 Sensor Transponder datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2014年 12月 8日
* Errata RF430FRL15xH Device Errata Sheet (Rev. A) 2018年 7月 3日
* User guide RF430FRL15xH Family Technical Reference Manual 2014年 12月 5日
Application note Frequently asked questions for RF430FRL15xH devices (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2019年 3月 13日
EVM User's guide RF430FRL152HEVM User's Guide (Rev. C) 2018年 7月 3日
User guide RF430FRL15xH Firmware User's Guide (Rev. B) 2017年 6月 28日
Application note RF430FRL152H NFC Sensor Tag Application Example With MSP430 Microcontrollers 2016年 10月 11日
Application note RF430FRL15xH NFC ISO 15693 Sensor Transponder Practical Antenna Design (Rev. A) 2015年 7月 16日
Application note RF430FRL15xH NFC ISO 15693 Sensor Transponder Practical Antenna Design 2015年 4月 30日
Technical article Your smartphone can help you control vital data using NFC PDF | HTML 2015年 4月 19日
White paper Bio-patch Solutions for health and fitness (Rev. A) 2014年 12月 9日
White paper Designing and evaluating an NFC-enabled bio-patch 2014年 12月 1日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


RF430FRL152HEVM — NFC ISO 15693 感測器轉發器評估模組


RF430FRL152HEVM 評估模組是一個獨立開發平台,可用於評估 ISO 15693 相容的 RF430FRL15xH NFC 感測器轉發器功能與性能。評估板可由電池或透過 USB 供電,或是從附近具備 NFC 功能的讀取器或智慧型手機獲取 RF 能源。ROM 中的嵌入式應用程式碼可管理 RF 通訊及感測器讀數,提供極大的裝置配置彈性。開發人員可以配置採樣率、量測閾值和警報。2 KB 通用非揮發性記憶體 (FRAM) 可儲存資料,並可擴充和調整應用程式碼。為進一步擴充,評估板與 TI 低成本 LaunchPad 快速原型設計生態系統的許多 BoosterPack (...)

使用指南: PDF
TI.com 無法提供

SLAC691 RF430FRL152H Firmware



RF430FRL152H 具 SPI/I2C 介面和 14 位元 Sigma-Delta ADC 的 NFC ISO15693 感測器轉發器 RF430FRL153H 具 14 位元 Sigma-Delta ADC 的 NFC ISO15693 感測器轉發器 RF430FRL154H 具 SPI/I2C 介面的 NFC ISO15693 感測器轉發器
RF430FRL152HEVM NFC ISO 15693 感測器轉發器評估模組

TIDM-RF430FRLSENSE — RF430FRL152H NFC 溫度及燈光感測器參考設計

This reference design provides a platform to evaluate the RF430FRL152H NFC Sensor Interface Transponder.  Directly out of the box, thermistor and photo transistor measurements can be communicated to an NFC enabled smart phone or other NFC/RFID Reader device.  This reference design can be (...)
電路圖: PDF


Battery-less sensor measurements that utilize energy harvesting from the RF field can be implemented in applications ranging from medical, health and fitness, and industrial where instantaneous measurements are required and a battery is not feasible or desired. This design implements a single chip (...)
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
VQFN (RGE) 24 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點

建議產品可能具有與此 TI 產品相關的參數、評估模組或參考設計。


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