
Configuration 2:1 SPDT Number of channels 4 Power supply voltage - single (V) 1.8, 2.5, 3.3 Protocols Analog Ron (typ) (Ω) 0.3 CON (typ) (pF) 162 ON-state leakage current (max) (µA) 0.05 Supply current (typ) (µA) 0.001 Bandwidth (MHz) 35 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Features 1.8-V compatible control inputs, Break-before-make Input/output continuous current (max) (mA) 200 Rating Catalog Drain supply voltage (max) (V) 4.3 Supply voltage (max) (V) 4.3
Configuration 2:1 SPDT Number of channels 4 Power supply voltage - single (V) 1.8, 2.5, 3.3 Protocols Analog Ron (typ) (Ω) 0.3 CON (typ) (pF) 162 ON-state leakage current (max) (µA) 0.05 Supply current (typ) (µA) 0.001 Bandwidth (MHz) 35 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Features 1.8-V compatible control inputs, Break-before-make Input/output continuous current (max) (mA) 200 Rating Catalog Drain supply voltage (max) (V) 4.3 Supply voltage (max) (V) 4.3
TSSOP (PW) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4 UQFN (RSV) 16 4.68 mm² 2.6 x 1.8 VQFN (RGT) 16 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Specified Break-Before-Make Switching
  • Low ON-State Resistance (<0.5 Ω)
  • Control Inputs Are 1.8-V Logic Compatible
  • Low Charge Injection
  • Excellent ON-State Resistance Matching
  • Low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
  • 1.65-V to 4.3-V Single-Supply Operation
  • Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 100 mA
    Per JESD 78, Class II
  • ESD Performance Tested Per JESD 22
    • ±2000-V Human-Body Model
      (A114-B, Class II)
    • ±1000-V Charged-Device Model
  • Specified Break-Before-Make Switching
  • Low ON-State Resistance (<0.5 Ω)
  • Control Inputs Are 1.8-V Logic Compatible
  • Low Charge Injection
  • Excellent ON-State Resistance Matching
  • Low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
  • 1.65-V to 4.3-V Single-Supply Operation
  • Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 100 mA
    Per JESD 78, Class II
  • ESD Performance Tested Per JESD 22
    • ±2000-V Human-Body Model
      (A114-B, Class II)
    • ±1000-V Charged-Device Model

The TS3A44159 is a bidirectional 4-channel single-pole double-throw (SPDT) analog switch with two control inputs, which is designed to operate from 1.65 V to 4.3 V. This device is also known as a 2 channel double-pole double-throw (DPDT) configuration. It offers low ON-state resistance and excellent ON-state resistance matching with the break-before-make feature that prevents signal distortion during the transferring of a signal from one channel to another. The device has an excellent total harmonic distortion (THD) performance and consumes very low power. These features make this device suitable for portable audio applications

The TS3A44159 is a bidirectional 4-channel single-pole double-throw (SPDT) analog switch with two control inputs, which is designed to operate from 1.65 V to 4.3 V. This device is also known as a 2 channel double-pole double-throw (DPDT) configuration. It offers low ON-state resistance and excellent ON-state resistance matching with the break-before-make feature that prevents signal distortion during the transferring of a signal from one channel to another. The device has an excellent total harmonic distortion (THD) performance and consumes very low power. These features make this device suitable for portable audio applications

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star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 8
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TS3A44159 0.45-Ω Quad SPDT Analog Switch 4-Channel 2:1 Multiplexer – Demultiplexer With Two Controls datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2015年 1月 21日
Application brief 1.8-V Logic for Multiplexers and Signal Switches (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2022年 7月 26日
Application note Selecting the Correct Texas Instruments Signal Switch (Rev. E) PDF | HTML 2022年 6月 2日
Application note Multiplexers and Signal Switches Glossary (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2021年 12月 1日
Application note CBT-C, CB3T, and CB3Q Signal-Switch Families (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2021年 11月 19日
White paper Selecting signal switches to enable IoT communication modules 2017年 3月 20日
Application note Preventing Excess Power Consumption on Analog Switches 2008年 7月 3日
Application note Semiconductor Packing Material Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection 2004年 7月 8日


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AWRL1432BOOST-BSD — 適用於盲點偵測的 AWRL1432 單晶片 mmWave 感測器評估板

AWRL1432BOOST-BSD 是一款易於使用的 70GHz mmWave 感測器評估套件,以具有板載 ROGERS RO3003 高性能天線的 AWRL1432 裝置為基礎。此電路板可存取點雲資料及 USB 供電介面。AWRL1432BOOST-BSD 支援與 DCA1000EVM 開發套件直接連接。AWRL1432BOOST-BSD 也具有適用於汽車應用的 12V 供電 TCAN4550。

此套件受 mmWave 工具、示範與軟體支援,包括 mmWave 軟體開發套件 (mmwave_mcuplus_sdk) 和 TI 的 Code Composer Studio (...)

使用指南: PDF | HTML

AWRL6432BOOST — 用於單晶片、低功耗 mmWave 雷達感測器的 AWRL6432BOOST BoosterPack™ 評估模組

AWRL6432BOOST 是一款易於使用的 60GHz mmWave 感測器評估套件,適用於具有 FR4 型天線的 AWRL6432 裝置。此電路板可存取點雲資料及 USB 供電介面。

AWRL6432BOOST 支援與 DCA1000EVM 直接連接。此 ‌BoosterPack 由 mmWave 工具、示範和軟體支援,包括 mmWave 軟體開發套件 (MMWAVE-L-SDK) 和 Code Composer Studio™ 整合式開發環境 (IDE) (CCSTUDIO)。

可使用其他電路板來啟用其他功能。例如 DCA1000EVM 可存取感測器原始類比轉數位 (ADC) (...)

使用指南: PDF | HTML

AWRL6844EVM — AWRL6844 評估模組板

德州儀器的 AWRL6844EVM 是一款易於使用的評估板,適用於 AWRL6844 車用 mmWave 雷達感測器,具備獨立操作功能,且可直接連接至 DCA1000EVM,以進行原始 ADC 擷取和訊號處理開發作業。此 EVM 包含開始開發晶片內建 DSP、硬體加速器和低功率 ARM® Cortex® - R5F 控制器所需的一切。EVM 也包括板載按鈕和 LED,用於快速整合簡單的使用者介面,此外還包含用於編程和偵錯的板載模擬功能。

使用指南: PDF | HTML

IWRL1432BOOST-BSD — 具有低功率 76-GHz 至 81-GHz 工業雷達感測器且適用於 BSD 的 IWRL1432 評估模組

IWRL1432BOOST-BSD 是一款易於使用的 77GHz mmWave 感測器評估套件,以具有板載 ROGERS RO3003 高性能天線的 IWRL1432 裝置為基礎。此電路板可存取點雲資料及 USB 供電介面。IWRL1432BOOST-BSD 還具有一個 12V 操作的 TCAN4550,適用於需要此介面的應用。

使用指南: PDF | HTML

IWRL6432BOOST — 適用於單晶片 60GHz mmWave 低功耗感測器的 IWRL6432 BoosterPack™評估模組

IWRL6432BOOST 是一款易於使用的 60GHz mmWave 感測器評估套件,以具有板載 FR4 型天線的 IWRL6432 裝置為基礎。此電路板可存取點雲資料及 USB 供電介面。IWRL6432BOOST 支援與 DCA1000EVM 開發套件直接連接。

此套件由 mmWave 工具、示範和軟體支援,包括 mmWave 軟體開發套件 (MMWAVE-L-SDK) 和 Code Composer Studio™ 整合式開發環境 (IDE) (CCSTUDIO)。

可使用其他電路板來啟用其他功能。例如 DCA1000EVM 可存取感測器的原始類比轉數位 (ADC) 資料擷取。板載 (...)

使用指南: PDF | HTML

LEADED-ADAPTER1 — 適用於快速測試 TI 的 5、8、10、16 及 24 針腳引線封裝的表面貼裝至 DIP 接頭適配器

The EVM-LEADED1 board allows for quick testing and bread boarding of TI's common leaded packages.  The board has footprints to convert TI's D, DBQ, DCT,DCU, DDF, DGS, DGV, and PW surface mount packages to 100mil DIP headers.     

使用指南: PDF

LEADLESS-ADAPTER1 — 用於測試 TI 的 6、8、10、12、14、16 和 20 針腳無引線封裝的表面貼裝至 DIP 接頭適配器

The EVM-LEADLESS1 board allows for quick testing and bread boarding of TI's common leadless packages.  The board has footprints to convert TI's DRC, DTP, DQE, RBW, RGY, RSE, RSV, RSW RTE, RTJ, RUK , RUC, RUG, RUM,RUT and YZP surface mount packages to 100mil DIP headers.
使用指南: PDF

TIDA-00586 — 電錶 Booster Pack 參考設計

The TIDA-00586 reference design is a gauge that has been designed as a booster pack to fit on the TI Launchpad development boards. The use of this this board for development will reduce the time spent in design and test of the bq27421 gauge IC. You can select any appropriate charger to charge your (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-00587 — 充電器 Booster Pack 參考設計

The TIDA-00587 reference design is a charger that has been designed as a booster pack to fit on the TI Launchpad development boards. The use of this this board for development will reduce the time spent in design and test of the bq24250 charger IC. You can charger your battery and using the on (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
TSSOP (PW) 16 Ultra Librarian
UQFN (RSV) 16 Ultra Librarian
VQFN (RGT) 16 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點

建議產品可能具有與此 TI 產品相關的參數、評估模組或參考設計。


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