DC wallbox charger

Products and reference designs

DC wallbox charger

Block diagram


DC wallbox chargers can help make electric vehicles (EVs) more affordable by offering chargers at different power levels depending on the customers' charging needs. Bidirectional charging can enable customers time-of-day energy plans to transform their EV into an energy storage system, maximizing the economic benefit of owning an EV.

Design requirements

DC wallbox chargers often require:

  • Small-form-factor, efficient electric vehicle charging.
  • Bidirectional charging to enable vehicle to grid (V2G).
  • Real-time energy monitoring and connections to the grid.

Block diagram

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DC wallbox charger

AC/DC Logic AC/DC Logic Gates and Buffers Gates and Buffers Vehicle output Vehicle output Relay control power stage Relay control power stage Relay Relay Relay driver Relay driver AC/DC clocking AC/DC clocking RTC RTC DC/DC clocking DC/DC clocking RTC RTC AC/DC power digital processing AC/DC power digital processing MCU MCU DC/DC power digital processing DC/DC power digital processing MCU MCU Power board wired interface Power board wired interface CAN CAN Ethernet Ethernet RS-485 RS-485 Power board signal isolation Power board signal isolation Data isolation Data isolation Power fan stage Power fan stage Fan motor driver Fan motor driver Power board self diagnostics/monitoring Power board self diagnostics/monitoring Temperature sensor Temperature sensor Power board input power protection Power board input power protection eFuse eFuse AC/DC analog front-end AC/DCanalog front-end Reference Reference ADC ADC DC/DC analog front-end DC/DCanalog front-end Reference Reference ADC ADC Power board non-isolated DC/DC power supply Power board non-isolated DC/DC power supply Quad SVS/sequencer Quad SVS/sequencer DC/DC VTT DC/DC VTT Low noise power Low noise power DC/DC DC/DC DC/DC output current and voltage sense DC/DC output current and voltage sense Comp Comp AMP AMP Current sensor Current sensor ISO AMP ISO AMP DC/DC input current and voltage sense DC/DC input current and voltage sense Comp Comp AMP AMP Current sensor Current sensor ISO AMP ISO AMP AC/DC output current and voltage sense AC/DC output current and voltage sense Comp Comp AMP AMP Current sensor Current sensor ISO AMP ISO AMP AC/DC input current and voltage sense AC/DC input current and voltage sense Comp Comp AMP AMP Current sensor Current sensor ISO AMP ISO AMP Isolated AC/DC Isolated AC/DC Isolated AC/DC Isolated AC/DC Isolated DC/DC Isolated DC/DC Isolated DC/DC IsolatedDC/DC ISO IO rail ISO IO rail DC rail DC rail Power board signal input/output protection Power board signal input/output protection ESD ESD DC rail DC rail AC/DC power stage AC/DC power stage DC/DC power stage DC/DC power stage DC/DC logic DC/DC logic Gates and buffers Gates and buffers AC/DC power topologies Uni/bi-directional Interleaved totem p... AC/DC power topologiesUni/bi-directional Interleaved totem pole PFCHERIC DC/DC power topologies Uni-directional Bi-directional Convent... DC/DC power topologiesUni-directional Bi-directional Conventional PSFBDual active bridgeResonant LLC DAB in CLLLC mode AC/DC logic AC/DC logic Gates and buffers Gates and buffers GRID GRID GAN FET + Gate Driver GAN FET+Gate Driver GaN FET + Gate driver GaN FET+Gate driver GAN FET + Gate Driver GAN FET+Gate Driver GaN FET + Gate driver GaN FET+Gate driver Front-end communication EVSE <-> EV CCS: IEC 61851, ISO 15118... Front-end communicationEVSE <-> EVCCS: IEC 61851, ISO 15118CHAdeMO: ISO 11898GB/T CHAoJI: SAE J1939 Back-end communication EVSE <-> Charge Mngt Syst OCPP: IEC 61... Back-end communicationEVSE <-> Charge Mngt SystOCPP: IEC 61590-90-8 Controller fan Controller fan Fan motor driver Fan motor driver Front-end wired interface Front-end wired interface Pilot wire Pilot wire HPGP Module HPGPModule CAN CAN Controller self diagnostics/monitoring Controller self diagnostics/monitoring Temp sensors Temp sensors SVS SVS Intermodule wired interface Intermodule wired interface CAN CAN RS-232 RS-232 RS-485 RS-485 USB USB Controller signal isolation Controller signal isolation Digital isolator Digital isolator Back-end wired interface Back-end wired interface Controller digital processing Controller digital processing MCU/MPU MCU/MPU Gates & buffers Gates & buffers Voltage translator Voltage translator RTC RTC USB access USB access Ethernet Ethernet ESD ESD HMI input user interface HMI inputuser interface IO expansion IO expansion Touch controller Touch controller Light sensor Light sensor DC rail DC rail +5V +3.3V +1.8V +5V+3.3V+1.8V Controller input power protection Controller input power protection eFuse eFuse Controller non-isolated DC/DC power supply Controller non-isolated DC/DC power supply Sequencer Sequencer DC/DC VTT DC/DC VTT Low noise power Low noise power DC/DC DC/DC Ideal diode Ideal diode Supercap Supercap HMI output user interface HMI output user interface Audio DAC Audio DAC LED driver LED driver LCD controller LCD controller Audio driver Audio driver Back-end wireless interface Back-end wireless interface Sub-1Ghz Sub-1Ghz Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 3G/4G/LTE (optional) 3G/4G/LTE (optional) HMI wireless interface HMI wireless interface NFC NFC Bluetooth Bluetooth Front-end signal input/output protection Front-end signal input/output protection ESD ESD Controller signal input/output protection Controller signal input/output protection ESD ESD Controller memory Controller memory

Power board self-diagnostics/monitoring


Input power protection prevents any power faults inside a subsystem to disconnect and enter a safe state to limit or prevent damage.

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