SLUAAJ0 February   2024 TPS51397A , TPS54308 , TPS54320 , TPS54350 , TPS54538 , TPS54620 , TPS54622 , TPS54821 , TPS54824 , TPS563300 , TPS566231 , TPS566235 , TPS566238 , TPS568230 , TPS56C215 , TPS62933 , TPS62933F , TPS62933O


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Comparison of Feedback Sense Methods with Second Stage Filter
  6. 3Transfer Function Derivation of PCM Converter with Second Stage Filter and Hybrid Sense
  7. 4Overall Loop Model
  8. 5Zero and Pole Analysis
  9. 6Stability Design Method
  10. 7Design Example and Experimental Validation with TPS62933F
  11. 8Summary
  12. 9References
  13.   A Appendix

Zero and Pole Analysis

The analysis about poles and zeros is introduced in the following. In the open loop transfer function Equation 15, the poles and zeros generated by GEA(s) and Gci(s) are the same as those in general purpose PCM buck converters without second stage filter.

GEA(s) with type II compensation consists of an initial pole with frequency close to zero fP1-EA, a middle frequency zero fZ-EA, and a high frequency pole fP2-EA:

Equation 16. fZ-EA=1RCOMPCCOMP
Equation 17. fP2-EA=1RCOMPCO_EA

A pole is generated by Gci(s) and the frequency is:

Equation 18. fP-ci=VINRifswVSefswL+0.5VIN-VORi

For the rest of part in Equation 15, calculate ZO(s) x GFB-TOTAL(s) and we can get:

Equation 19.  ZO(s)×GFB-TOTAL(s) = R2RL+CffR1RLs+CffL2R1s2+C2CffL2R1RLs3R1+R2+CffR1R2sC2COL2RLs3+COL2s2+C2+CORLs+1

As shown from the previous transfer function has four poles and three zeros. Among all the parameters, output load resistance RL varies during operation when load current changes. Figure 5-1 reflects the frequency response with different RL.

GUID-20231017-SS0I-KJ1B-VXPW-W0B363BBFNL1-low.svgFigure 5-1 Frequency Response of Equation (19) with Different RL

As shown in Figure 5-1, the middle frequency and high frequency responses with different RL are almost same. While in the low frequency range, the response with larger RL has smaller phase. For the power solution design with low bandwidth, that can cause less phase margin. Thus the larger RL corresponds to worse case for stability.

To simplify Equation 19, consider the worst case when the output resistance is infinite RL->+∞:

Equation 20.  ZO(s)×GFB-TOTAL(s)|RL→+ ≈ R21+CffR1s+C2CffL2R1s3sR1+R2+CffR1R2sC2COL2s2+C2+CO

Figure 5-2 shows the map of zeros and poles of above transfer function.

GUID-20231017-SS0I-Z5DR-VF3L-JHST0WN6VN4L-low.svgFigure 5-2 Location of Zeros and Poles in Equation (20)

The four poles in Equation 20 include an initial pole Pout whose frequency is 0Hz, a pole Pff at frequency fPff and a pair of conjugate poles P2nd at frequency fP-2nd. Expression of fPff and fP-2nd are shown as Equation 21 and Equation 22:

Equation 21. fPff=1Cff1R1+1R2 
Equation 22. fP-2nd=1C2COC2+COL2

The three zeros in Equation 20 include a zero Zff at frequency fZff and a pair of conjugate zeros Z2nd at frequency fZ-2nd.

The expression of fZff is complicated as shown in Equation 23. And it can be proven that fZff≤fPff.

Equation 23. fZff=-15.67×10153C23Cff4L23R144Cff2R12+27C2L2-9C22Cff2L22R1223-1.3×1016C2Cff2L2R121.49×1016C2CffL2R13C23Cff4L23R144Cff2R12+27C2L2-9C22Cff2L22R123

The conjugate zeros Z2nd are located in the right half plane if considering L2 as a designed for inductor with no DCR. But for the real inductor or ferrite bead with DCR of several mΩ or larger, the conjugate zeros normally move to left half plane with positive damping effects.

The expression of the conjugate zeros frequency fZ-2nd is too complicated. As an article to guide application design, the detailed mathematical analysis can not be applied here, since the conjugate zeros Z2nd are not utilized for any important target like compensating phase margin in the following design guide.

Normally, the frequency fZ-2nd is smaller than fP-2nd, and the they are close. With larger Cff, the frequency fZ-2nd can be closer fP-2nd. Figure 5-3 shows a typical gain response of PCM converter with second stage filter and hybrid sensing. The poles and zeros marked in red are newly introduced after adding the second stage filter.

GUID-20231017-SS0I-5PMR-9VHN-WH409NTZW2B6-low.svgFigure 5-3 PCM Converter Loop Response with Second Stage Filter and Hybrid Sensing